How to Space Plants | Growing Green

Justin Cooper discusses the significance of spacing plants properly for optimal growth and …


  1. Do NOT invite this guy to your garden! I've never seen a guest finger fvck so many live plants and harvested buds in my life. I saw a series where people invited him to their grows and he manhandled plant after plant without gloves then shoved his face into people's medicine like he'd just been sterilized by UV light. It was sooooo gross!

  2. Great straight forward information. Not bunch of bu!!§μ¡t information I've heard a thousand times before. Thank you for the videos, information and your efforts.

  3. hey just wandering i saw you bend that bud over in the video…i know you arent suppose to stress the plant out to much in flower to much…doing that wont make the plant herm? thanks!

  4. I was always taught to keep my internode space and super close. What i've noticed yours are stretched quite a bit but Like you said, you can go in the flowers No problem mine get way to Cluttered

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