FDA says marijuana has a legitimate medicinal purpose

The FDA released a report saying that marijuana does have a legitimate use for medical purposes and recommended the US …


  1. We are suppose to eat raw cannabis daily, a super food,a preventive of sickness. We could live longer with less illnesses. This will take from big pharmaceutical companies and brake social security. Thats why its illegal. Gen 129. Google it. 😊

  2. Congress and DEA are taking bribes from the black market and cartels to keep it illegal. Criminals have been funding everything from human trafficking to terrorism to prostitution all with the profits they made off this plant. It’s a national security threat to let criminals keep making this money. The only logical reason to delay legalization so long is if they are being paid to do it.
    The government also keeps releasing “headlines” to boost votes, but not actually taking any action. As they accept money from criminals, they then go and short cannabis companies knowing full well it will go down without the law backing it. Several congressman have 7-8 figure net worths some nearing 20+ million, and all that off a salary of 150,000-200,000 per year. They are traitors to the USA and profiting going behind the backs of tax paying Americans for selfish profit.

  3. The problem with most marijuana is that it’s heavily sprayed with things like Nukem which is a highly toxic pesticide and highly toxic fungicide. People are too stoned to care though. It also caused severe hypoxia which literally destroys one’s heart. I still support people’s right to consume whatever they want. I also want them to know the bad parts of it so they can make informed choices.

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