Lost Recordings in Richard Allen Case? Prosecutor Says… Relax!

00:00 Docket 00:50 Intro 02:57 Prosecutor Says… Relax! 12:19 What is going on in Idaho? 24:52 The Jennifer Traconis’ Trial …


  1. Satanic Panic from the 1990’s was ridiculous, but an Odinist conspiracy defense with zero evidence is now NOT ridiculous? Cause it sure looks ridiculous to me.

  2. The Defense is 100% right. That interview is very important, they all are. Richard Allen deserves to get a fair trial, and the prosecutor is making sure that won't happen. Them girls deserve justice and im afraid that won't happen because of these corrupt officers of the court.

  3. I don't believe anything that comes out of McClelland's mouth. In the beginning, I thought they had the right guy in custody. I didn't question it…until I saw the photos of an emaciated Richard Allen. I then started paying closer attention. It is almost like the prosecution is working too hard to make Richard Allen fit the bill. As far as the defense's claims/Frank's Motion…I do believe what was put in that memorandum because it came from Law Enforcement's investigation/discovery. Law Enforcement was looking into the Odinism angle! Suddenly they stopped, with exception of a handful of detectives. Coincidentally, Greg Ferency who continued to look into that angle, was murdered by a prison guard! Furthermore the law enforcement official that gave Elvis Field's sister a lie detector test, finding that Elvis had indeed confided in his sister about being at the murders scene…also met her demise in a house fire with her daughter. Perhaps I could chalk certain things up to being a coicidence here and there, but there is too much in this case that stinks. Let's not forget that the prosecution also claimed they couldn't find the expert from Pennsylvania who had verified that the crime scene looked ritualistic in nature. This entire situation is terrifying, and the fact that Baldwin and Rossi had to fight to stay on this case, tells me that they truly believe in Richard Allen's innocence. They also have decades of experience without any sort of a past of discipline..in other words they don’t have a past of being bad attorneys. They aren't going to risk perjury/their entire career's by lying in the Franks Motion. In my opinion, McClelland is trying to get everyone to look the other way toward the Defense because they themselves aren't ready for trial, and he was worried because Baldwin and Rossi had stated they were ready! We would have had a trial by now, if it wasn't for McClelland.

  4. when the judge deems the defense attorneys "incompetent" for allegedly "mishandling" (I still see little if any culpability by the attorneys there) evidence or discovery of some kind, why then does the prosecution get away with LOSING or DESTROYING evidence? I thnk thats WORSE! I think this judge is nuts and clearly has a vendetta or at the very least disdain for these defense attorneys therefore there is no WAY this guy is going to get a fair trial . My question for you is why is this being allowed to continue? It seems clear to me the way the judge has failed to follow proper protocol as well as deny every single motion from the defense that theres just no way shes going to keep herself unbiased. Francis SEAGULL!

  5. Welcome back Scott! You’re a busy man. You stand for the sanctity of the law. My brother in an attorney in CA and is trying to become a judge because of the likes of the bum you talked about, who forgot that he doesn’t get to make the law. I appreciate you and your show. Don’t let those court decisions get you down. You’re just one dogfight away from one in your/client’s favor.
    BTW, what model plane is on your shelf? I have all my dad’s planes. He was a Korean Vet, Purple Heart X2, Bronze Star recipient. He did 3 tours. He always wanted to be a pilot but lost an eye and never was able to after the war so he built them.

  6. Do I believe something nefarious is going on with the Delphi case? Yes
    Do I still think RA had a hand in what happened to the girls? Absolutely!
    I think there was more than one person involved, but Richard IMO had a hand in what happened (too too many coincidences…to be coincidences)!

  7. Nick McLeland is apart of the occult. He became a Master Mason and prosecutor in 2018 with the primary task of covering up this double homicide. The town is full of occultists. Wake up people.

  8. When I was a younger woman I worked for a place that wanted me to copy some tapes and they did not realize that their DVR would just keep recording and it didn't even stop at the end of the tape, it would just start recording over.
    It was a nightmare to copy recordings.

  9. Their theory is so stupid.
    Not to say there aren't Odinist's, but they're not tromping through Indiana's leaf laden woods in February.
    But this is a small town in the Bible Belt!
    People notice things like that in a town of 3,000.
    Considering all the witnesses that were out walking that day and they only saw Dave McCain (one of the elderly brothers that started the trail system) and Richard Allen. No leaves on the trees.
    Allen fits the body type of bridge guy (5'3 3/4" in bare feet and almost 5'6" in boots), roly-poly 40ish body, wearing the same clothes as BG, and he lives a mile as the crow flies from the murder scene.
    His house is within yards of the middle-school where the girls attended.
    If the girls had walked from school to the Monon High Bridge or to Abby's mom's house, they would passed the street where Allen lived, three houses down from the main road.
    Each of the girls was 5'4", but I have always felt that he was after Libby, who looked like his daughter.
    Allen took a photo of his daughter lying on her bed dressed in a 1 year tie-dye Abby and Libby Memorial t-shirt that made it look like the back of Libby's (both Libby and his daughter were chunky) that she was murdered in.
    I wonder if that tie-dye shirt was taken when they were murdered?
    There was also a photo of his daughter posing at the end of the Monon High Bridge, just where he abducted Libby and Abby.
    Most people would say there are no coincidences.

  10. You are handsome no need to say "just kidding". Oh, the cut and paste, usually it would be on a separate page, its counterfeit 101. Who ever said that only the Feds Fabricated crimes. The doomsday cult mentality, sovereign citizen and even the argument that indictments need to show "beyond a shadow" continue to take up real estate in the courts of Idaho. over and over and over. Sorry bout the loss.

  11. Thank you for going over the Daybell amended indictment. (Superseding indictment).
    Judges gone wrong… Check out Judge Craig DeThomasis in Otter Creek Florida regarding the What the Hales (Jeremy Hales) case.

  12. i am wondering if u have seen the case of Jeremy Hales you tuber (What the Hales ) were the judge has removed Mr Hales 1st and 2nd amendments he has removed his rights to access his property from a public road ? This is in Florida Otter Creek Levy county

  13. When the sheriff retired five days after R.A 's arrest that sounded awefully fishy to me . Before the franks hearing i had questions and believe me I've never had doubts about a high profile case . This owden theory sounds outlandish and i thought it was ridiculous and then they showed their f.b and we learned they did have in owden we trust embroidered on their uniforms , Then it didn't sound so fantasy filled .

  14. The accidental deletion of the interviews in the Delphi case is no more unbelievable than the defence "accidently" releasing nude pics of deceased kids. I know which one is worse as I have a normal functioning brain.

  15. 0:00: 🔍 Prosecutors reassure public about missing recordings in high-profile case, while addressing Chad DeBell indictment and upcoming Jennifer tronus trial.
    4:54: ⚖️ Controversy over lost interviews in Richard Allen case dismissed by prosecutor as irrelevant defense tactic.
    9:14: ⚖️ Challenges in Richard Allen case due to missing evidence and denial of defense requests by Judge Francis.
    14:01: ⚖️ Indictment amendment process explained, unusual Idaho rule allows changes, but typically requires superseding indictment.
    18:45: ⚖️ Legal implications of delayed amendment to theft statute in Idaho Statute 18-2434a.
    23:43: 🤔 Concerns raised about procedural issues and indictment terminology in upcoming trial.
    28:16: ⚖️ Controversial judge dismisses rape conviction, criticizes victim and family for underage drinking.
    32:44: ⚖️ Judges must adhere to the law, not personal beliefs, with legislative changes as the solution.
    37:21: ⚖️ Importance of following up on abuse allegations and potential charges for failure to report.

    Timestamps by Tammy AI

  16. Off Subject , But bit disappointed in Lockheed martin , their missile tech has been diminished to a kim yong firework level , and they are letting the side down , and if this sub standard approach to destroying my BAE systems share value continues i will not be a happy chap . And as Angry as a Chap on a Sticky wicket. PS Mental Americans are not welcome in the Kensington area go to shepherds bush , Rant over

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