Evangelistic Series | Day 18 | Family Life | "Infedility In Marriage" Part 2 | Dr. Rose Misati

Newlife SDA Church • Physical Location » 5th Ngong Avenue, Nairobi P.O. Box 40829 Nairobi 00100 • Phone Number » +254 …


  1. This is a true dedicated, well read, mature woman of God. Such elaborate truths are rarely available. Thank you New life SDA church for always going out of your way to get very inspired speakers and servants of the Lord who have something to share with God's children. Everything she says here are true and nothing but the truth so help us God. We are praying for you Dr. Rose Misati, let us pray for families all over the world. The devil is real with his actions against marriages and families. Amen.

  2. I disagree with this lady on forgiveness. Shes misleading viewers and giving bad & ungodly advice on forgiveness. Maybe she hates Ps Elizabeth Mokoro tht teaches that forgiveness is restoration &
    this lady disagrees. Tht is so wrong. God wants us to forgive and restore just like He does with us. If u dont restore then there is no forgiveness at all. No matter wht you faced we must forgive & restore. Imagine if God forgives you & not restore. How would u feel?

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