1. Grado am fae linwood amd theres a street called abernethy dtive n being fae linwood weve started buying abernethy buiscuits hahaa ther classss man like.ye say shorthbread like a funno , a biscuit for dunkin in yer tea haha no too long there shite bags flop.and the wee spoons oot in a rush to catch it hahah

  2. 'Last time Rodgers had this pressure from Gerard he jumped ship'… what planet do these folk live on? He was on his way to a third treble and left as little challenge.

  3. If we beat hearts and celtic brenda will pack his own bags and leave. I beleive exactly what Christopher said. He came back only for his own clout and try build some bridges with the fans. He came back for the wrong reasons. I understand if celtic come calling you cant turn it down.

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