1. If you want to legalize something, legalize/de-legend gabapentin… They give that to cats to shut them up, keep them from fighting the vet, and chill 'em out. People are wild they need something….

  2. Okay the people voted the pastor marijuana and to law and now they want to regulate what how is suspense and what you can use and how you can use it people voted in the end so they should be the ones that say what's going on with it I mean there's no harm it's better than and you won't get messed up when you're doing marijuana you want to drink you have wrecks and all kinds of stuff so I think that passing that was a good thing but people are trying to make it like it's not specially the government the government wants their hands and everything

  3. Now heres my thing. For those working in the trades or work in places that do drug testing, how will this affect them? Also, you have the issue with those who own firearms. Will future laws be implemented where this will not affect them or is it a "You can have one but not the other"?

  4. Legalizing and regulating it will also save many loves from the people who already buy it off the streets amd have the possibility to be laced or contaminated with fatal chemicals.

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