Is Mixing Marijuana and Antidepressants Safe?

One viewer asks The Doctors if it’s okay to smoke recreationally while being medicated for depression. Subscribe to The Doctors: …


  1. It reacts on the endo-cannaboid system. THC hijacks the that system. Anti depressants do not act on the serotonin receptors. THC is something the body identifies as ananadimide . So as doctors, you don’t need to project any opinion for things you do not know. Kinda puts you fools in the same category as Dr. Mehmet Oz. Enough. Shut your mouths, if you can do it. (Shut Your Mouth) Shirley Manson, Garbage. Listen to that song. Then in your dreams imagine a faceless being disfiguring by having your mouths stitched shut.

  2. Hi, you all are very beautiful! 😊 I'm taking trazadone, fluaxatine, and smoke Marijuana as much as possible. I've now recently become newly diagnosed with bipolar depression. They want to add a mood stabilizer. I've been feeling super alert with high energy levels. Everything has intensified like taking exctacy. I litterly feel like I've been set free from my painful existences and have no anxiety about life. I got so many chores done the past 3 weeks

  3. Nooo… I disagree.
    It definitely has helped with my depression symptoms.
    However, Sativa I think can make things worse. Ill never smoke Sativa again…

    Listen to me, Sativa caused me to hallucinate TWICE. Specifically the liquid type.

    Avoid liquid marijuana from vape stores.

    Both of my absolute worse experiences have happened when smoking liquid Sativa from the vape…

  4. Cannabis is the only medication that helped snap me out of a severe depression that lasted several years. I was non-functioning on all levels. I am currently microdosing sativa strains and it has done wonders for my mood and mental health. I'm our of bed, self care is better, I have had a job for over a year and I eat everyday now. There were times I wouldn't eat anything for 6-7 days because I couldn't get out of bed. Taking Cannabis was the best thing I've done for myself in many years.

  5. This is annoying. The question is what are the interactions, not "why are you afraid of marijuana". My fault tho for watching one of their videos xD already knew they were a joke.

  6. I feel so sorry for the younger generation believing weed is ok for you ptss it may not kill you but it does cause serious mental illness I've been smoking weed for 11 years I know how this works

  7. I've known 10 people who sell themselves for weed and steal for weed there's even people who drop everything g they know just to move out of state whare it's legal and the any weed is not addictive

  8. Dang! I musta missed something here because I thought this video was going to be on Mixing Marijuana and Antidepressants! No, guess not. Because this topic was not even discussed. I am looking for info on DRUG INTERACTIONS between Marijuana and Antidepressants.

  9. Well there's research on it and actually slows down the process to metabolize the srri so it creates higher concentration in the body since it increases the seratonin and you might have seratonin syndrome which can be fatal

  10. Recently started bupropion and the 1st day I instantly could tell eating was going to be a problem. I would say its helping with my depression but getting down food is the hard part. I smoked a lot before starting bupropion and everybody that's tried weed know you get the munchies. I decided to do research to see if mixing THC and Bupropion was safe and interestingly enough saw that people didn't seem to have a problems mixing the two. Upon caving in I decided to smoke late at night and after a while started to get hungry, meanwhile the whole day I could barely think about eating if I havent smoked. Really want to stop smoking but it sucks that I could barely get any food in without weed.

  11. I love weed! but now I need to take a break from it since I started taking Prozac. I had a really bad experience full of paranoia and anxiety once I smoked weed after taking the pill.

  12. We do have long term studies.
    Egyptian physicians have studied Bedouin marijuana and hashish daily users.
    The studies have been suppressed in the Western nations.

  13. I visit to USA and try it , and got heart attack and dead from it , i was alone , and i experience (Near death experience) and go to hell 😢 and Allah (God) give me other chance 🥺 I think heart attack from it because i smoke too much and that give me (serotonin syndrome) or because the medicine i was taking it (Fluoxetine) make drug interactions pl be safe don’t try it or be very careful , pace from Arabia 👋 (sorry my English shit)

  14. Hight CBD marijuana is good for mood and it works as anti deprepresent but hight thc marijuana is very high toxic it can give you anxiety as well as bad mood

  15. I’ve been smoking weed for over 2 decades. I have many different health problems that i had no choice but to take certain prescription drugs that mess with my stomach or other side effects. I would always be scared to mix weed and whatever medication I had. But eventually the side effects of the drug like nausea or headaches was so bad i would end up smoking weed. Boom problem solved. Now I started Lexapro last week. Same thing Nausea started, guess what I smoked weed, went away. I haven’t had any reason so far to stop.

  16. im on 3 different medications, one being a mood stabilizer and the other being an antidepressant (third one is unrelated and for another health issue)
    ive been taking edibles regularly for years now and occasionally smoke weed (albeit from a disposable pen) and no bad interactions have happened so far.
    i just dont get high at the exact same time as i take my medications but ive only noticed improvements in my mental state and mood longterm.
    on the other hand though ive heard nasty horror stories of the exact opposite happening to people who mix the two so it really is up to how your body specifically will react to such things because everyone is so different 🤔 the best u can do is play it safe and act on the judgement of your doctor

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