1. Good stuff Ramzi! I knew that ally project would pay off in spades… that "vehicle fence" took a lot of work to set up. Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to see what's next.

  2. I too, remember the LINE, & maybe afew kids strung out ,as fence.lol. also, were always hunting empty brass from military 😊.
    Be interested too see the Saddle repair return.
    Have come long way, great ride & looking forward to more.
    Might be time, to go back & watch old videos again.

  3. How did you get off the ranch without any children? I think the little ones are Daddy’s boys and love doing cowboy stuff even if it’s hauling cattle. Love you channel and the family content. Thank you for doing it!

  4. Nice to have a good camera 🎥 man I did not even get sick watching it Nice truck. I have been watching you for years. You have done a lot of work over all the years. you have shown how hard work and living on pennies can get we’re you are. Well done.

  5. Yes I do remember those old days and the junk. Things have improved. If I was 20 years younger I would buy a place. But I was into other things 20 years ago that never really panned out.

  6. There's cold, and then there's Nevada high desert cold…but it sure was beautiful to see the drive through the Great Basin in late winter…all that snow should equal a good season for grass and cattle. Thanks for taking us along.

  7. God dam, we used to say we were raised knee deep in mud and ankle deep in cow shit. I reckon y'all kids are being raised, ankle deep in mud and knee deep in cow shit. After seeing that Trump sign at the turn off I reckon they should rename that place from Warm Springs to Mr Poopy Pants Diaper Springs ha ha. What's the difference between Trump and Rhett? Rhett's grown out of diapers, ha ha. What's the difference between Trump and Ridge? Ridge has more machismo and business acumen. Ha ha OMG, I could go on for like ever y'all.

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