Why Smoking Weed is Actually Bad/Good For You

Smoking weed calms your nerves, but it also does damage to your lungs every time you inhale. Is smoking marijuana really that …


  1. abt cannabis i think all ur claims for both sides are pretty based but because of the war on drugs both pro-cannabis and anti-cannabis people have twisted info to benefiet their side of the conflict so it should be said that most things abt cannabis havent been researched enough to jump to some of those conclusions

  2. Nowadays I mostly light up a J or two on the weekends to relax(used to be a more frequent smoker back in university), and while I agree with most of the things in the video, my personal experience while smoking & driving is that I feel weed doesn't impair my motor function at all, on the contrary I seem to ride more carefully & slowly after a smoke sesh.

  3. Don't inhale smoke when pregnant (ideally never do so) but what I would be more interested to know are the unmolested facts about the effects of consumed weed, in both pregnancy and not pregnant individuals.

  4. “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”
    Matthew 7:13-14

  5. Like every drug that exist, medical or not. If the benefits are better for you than the side effects then that is what matters at the end of the day. Thing is people do not see it this way and fight to make excuses for their behavior instead, if you are an adult using stimulants to enhance your life then remember. It's you who's responsible for your situation, noone else

  6. A joint or two is fine, with a month or two in between. A few joints every once in a while is probably good, but do smoke with a liberal dose of common sense. A few joints every one in a while, and not all the time, is most likely good, but too often, and it can be very bad for you

  7. I know several people that started smoking daily. I’ve seen all of them go from normal kids to brainless zombies that are using all their remaining brain capacity to breathe and walk..

  8. dreaming is very important, i smoke a little and can't dream it's why i quit best way to deal with bad dreams is relies you are not that important and laugh it off. i have crazy nightmares and wake up laughing bc i noticed it was a dream during the dream. and once you know you are dreaming you are the boss.

  9. I’ve suffered from insomnia since a young age just started smoking and I can actually sleep now the dreams part is true but I didn’t dream before I smoked either so idrc

  10. Thc does stop seizures case by case. Smoking it! I have proven it on an EEG machine at university hospital. CBD does not work for me I have tried epidiolex. Just got anxiety and lost a ton of weight. HEAVY THC indicas help me and I have no ceiling I can smoke 30 joints I'm just more protected. I have uncontrolled epilepsy but this is my best defence against it. Still had 5 seizures last week. To be fair I was barely smoking I was dealing with stress my main seizure trigger. There are . Gov sites that have done studies THC deff helps with epilepsy.

  11. Don't let any media or person fool you. Weed is a very dangerous drug it's a gateway to other drugs and might activate hidden anxiety in your mind. I'm the victim of the second one, after smoking weed I started having panic attacks and anxiety, my love and warm hugs from the Southern Caucasus

  12. One of the issues with weed is there are people that act like it's a lifestyle. Everything they wear has a weed leaf, they smell like it constantly, they do dumb stoner things that get annoying when done multiple times, they're forgetful/clumsy, not good socially when high which is always with the kind of person I'm describing. I smoked weed from like 14-19 and while there were some positives it was more negatives looking back on it. In moderation it's perfectly fine and should be legal but the ones who make it their personality/lifestyle and are high 24/7 tend to be annoying.

  13. We have homemade weed in our country..its called dry leaves of Neem tree..you have to gather those leaves..,ignite it..then it will give good affects to lungs..as well as killing mosquitos😂😂

  14. In middle school i had ended up being diagnosed with bone cancer specifically ewing sarcoma, i smoked heavily while going through chemotherapy it really helped me alot especially after surgery im thankful to be cancer free today, a huge thankyou to the doctors at UCLA children's hospital for saving my life

  15. PM Steven Harper (Before getting the PM seat in 06) April 2003 paid for 2 studies on it, both come back saying and i quote, "A single Marijuana Cigarette is less harmful then a can of cola." meaning HARMLESS! only negative i could find is "holding it in" can cause damage to brain development in those not finished puberty yet. THATS IT! I saved my life, i was soo stressed i dropped to 125 lbs from 155. and have pain all over due to 27 years at UPS and multiple injuries.

  16. From my experience, smoking weed helps with bipolar, especially with manic episodes, but only if you don't smoke frequently, once a month max. But as said, it's different drom person to person

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