1. TOO much bull crap! WE all watched this fools attack at gunpoint. calling Democracy, a lie in his attempt to become Dictator of the Greatest Democratic Nation Ever! Guantanamo Bay for them all! they all knew he was going to try this; Super Chump lost the vote & the Attempted takeover!

  2. He has no shame any one else would go and hide in the corner in shame after doing what he did ,the amount of damage that trump has done to America is cannot be fixed ,his constant lies are firmly implanted on the brains of his followers and he will never go away but will continue to keep getting more and more disturbed and radical he's turning into a rabid animal

  3. It continues to be Astonishing that this ex #45 can continue to have this support from republican voters ! There is most definitely some kind of mental dissonance, delusion and disfunction going on in the minds of his Cult Supporters ! But then , we have to remind ourselves that the U.S. is the home to such Cults as Scientology , Mormonism , the Heavens Gate cult , the Jonestown Guyana cult , the Waco ( Wacko ) cult , as well as other equally outrageous cults that are lead by a promissory lying , fraud and obscene leader ! Too many of our citizens are willing to Fall for Anything no matter how ridiculous , outrageous or nonsensical it really is ! And they have been primed for it from an early age where they were never taught critical thinking skills ! SAD !

  4. This is not a question of "knocking Trump off the ballot." The ballot is not yet printed. No state has the right to add a native of France to the ballot. No state has the right to add a 24-year-old to the ballot. No state has the right to add a 7-year resident of the United States to the ballot (see U.S. Const., art. II, § 1, cl. 5). No state has the right to add an insurrectionist to the ballot (see U.S. Const., amend. XIV, § 3). I don't see "Supreme Court" in there anywhere.

  5. Rodent Giuliani and tRump plotted to assassinate a United States AMBASSADOR named Marie YOVANOVITCH and upon a verdict of guilty should get the ELECTRIC CHAIR 🪑!

  6. Factionalism on the court? The Roberts Court is thoroughly corrupt, widely discredited, and irreparably dysfunctional. Why they don't strike down the 14th amendment is puzzling. It's time for court reform.

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