Second Passport Freedom: How To Get Dual Citizenship

How I plan to get a second passport and citizenship and how you can, too! Subscribe for the next video in this 2nd Passports …


  1. 5:07
    To make it easier for you to travel without a visa, for example, I am from Saudi Arabia and I cannot travel to many countries without a visa On the other hand, there are countries with strong passports, such as the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the Emirates

  2. I am an Australian citizen so have that passport already and this year thought I would see if I could still get a Citizen by Descent which is Maltese and so now I am Dual citizen as my new passport just arrived today Yah…it took me 11 months to get it…Maltese Citizen by Descent.I am retired so this should help me out to live over there for a number of months a year as well as in the EU Shengan area….It is good to have other options…🙂

  3. Wishing you luck! 🤞 I got dual Lithuanian citizenship for myself and my daughter. So glad I did. She’s now earning double masters degrees – last year in Norway and this year in Lisbon – tuition free! Incredibly glad and grateful. My grandparents went through so much getting to the US and this feels like such a gift.

  4. Great idea! We are working on my husband's Polish passport. As Americans, we are so afraid of losing healthcare, or being denied by our provider. Also, and more important is the gun laws. It just doesn't make since to stay here. Sad, very sad, but time to move on. All the men in my family have served this country in the military, teachers, and cops. I love this country, but living amongst sooo many people that are willing to vote for Trump is bizzaro and scary.

  5. Hi Kristin, This is an interesting video. I wonder if you have heard about ETIAS which was originally aimed to begin in 2024 and the EU has postponed it until 2025. US citizens will need to apply for this 'Visa' in order to visit any country in the EU, and it's good for three years. Americans can still visit European countries that are not in the EU, such as the UK, Norway, Albania and so forth.

  6. A second passport allows you to reduce these often harmful boundaries. The concept of citizenship and national boundaries is a relatively recent invention, and is still sometimes inappropriate and unfair. After all, there are still countries without their own state – an example is Kurdistan. There are peoples and nations without their own country, for example the Gypsies and, until the last century, the Jews. And there are also states without their people, their nation and their country, considering them as the majority of some ethnic group.

  7. Good luck on your dual-citizenship journey. I’m eligible for both German and Italian citizenship. The Italian government is quite aggravating to deal with so I’m pursuing German citizenship for both myself and my son. We plan to move to Europe asap. I’m happy and excited for the opportunities and freedom this will give both myself and my son. I view it as one of the best gifts I can give him.

  8. I qualify for Irish dual citizenship and I have begun the process. I have just retired and I am not looking forward to my country bleeding me dry. I don't exactly want to settle in Ireland but I hope the Irish passport will open other European doors. I'm looking forward to more from your channel.

  9. You are an American. Aren't you aware of DAFT? Our countries have the Dutch American Friendship Treaty. Just start a business in the Netherlands and you automatically become a resident of my country. The guidelines and requirements are posted online. Kristen with all your endeavors I am sure that you would approved with no problem.

  10. I'll never leave,because my wife won't do it, but I'm still interested.
    America is going to become an open fascist dictatorship, eventually, due to the fact that the political system is so corrupted by money.
    if it was just me, I'd flee right now.
    We're going to lose our Freedom here, and no one is even trying to stop it.
    Its horrifying to see the US becoming the fourth Reich………
    But I'll never convince my wife to leave

  11. Actually you don't need a second passport. I am an American citizen now living in Austria. I have a residence visa and can stay in Austria or anywhere in the EU. The visa gives me access to all of the benefits of an EU citizen. The health care plan that I selected is only 57 Euro per month and valid in all EU countries. My wife was ill and spent a week in the hospital bill was only 71 Euro. The residence cost around 200 Euro. If you are a senior citizen, many countries offer retirement visas. Good luck whatever you decide.

  12. I have Filipino citizenship by descent and U.S. citizenship by birth. I got my Filipino citizenship to apply for naturalization in Spain after only 2 years of legal residence instead of 10 years which would be required for U.S. citizens.

  13. I have three passports: American, Mexican, and Croatian. I was born in the US but come from immigrant parents, so I was able to obtain citizenship of their countries by descent. My processes were relatively easy as I had easy access to the necessary paperwork (Croatia took a few years as this was during the 90s war, but Mexico only took two weeks after I submitted the paperwork). I went through the processes in order to feel more connected to their cultures as I like to spend time in both countries and want to fit in. I also speak both their languages.

  14. Hi Kristin. I'm British but wish that – like you – I had Continental European heritage, so I could regain EU citizenship. I'm sure that's true for most Brits who follow your YouTube channel. Wishing you every success in your application!

  15. I'm really glad you are covering this topic. I have a relative who has written 2 volumes on family history describing the family's history from Rhineland Germany. I don't speak any German but I'm going to check into it anyway. And I agree with you about healthcare. For me its' also the total lack of social services or compassion in the U.S. It is only about money, period. So sad and deflating to see a great country succumb to such materialistic values with no sign of change.

  16. Thank you for this video. I inherited a box of genealogy information and have been fascinated by what I have found. I would love to acquire a dual citizenship. I look forward to watching the videos.

  17. I’m an American citizen that was born in London. My parents went to uni in England (they are from Nigeria). I was 3 when we moved to the States and became a citizen age 18. Looking at the US landscape in 2016-2020 inspired me to pursue my 2nd passport. I have dual citizenship in the UK and have my British passport. I’m grateful.

  18. Good luck on your dual citizenship journey! I completed mine in early 2022 for a Caribbean country. It took about 7 months to get all of the paperwork and have it processed at a local NYC consulate.

  19. That's super interesting. I tried to get citizenship through descent from the Netherlands and contacted a lawyer for help. Sadly, even though they assessed that I would qualify, technically, I wouldn't be able to follow through in practice (long story short…) without either getting a new job that would sponsor me, or find someone to marry. Hopefully you have better luck!

  20. I am trying for Polish citizenship, but it will be a difficult road. It would be based on my great-grandparents and there is a little ambiguity if it's possible based on when they left for the US. I think they left Poland before it was Poland (around WWI). I am thinking I may apply for a visa by enrolling in a one year language course and try to work on it during that time. But I totally understand your reasoning. Same as mine (mostly healthcare as I will be 50 next year). I know in Mexico I was able to easily and affordably get amazing healthcare services for all my preventative checks. However, now that I have been in Portugal for 2 months, I think Europe might be a better fit for me. In any case, I do have my permanent residency in Mexico so I guess that is my plan B/C 🙂

  21. I am proud to hear about your romanian descendants because I am romanian and I have been following you for a long time wanting to learn english. ❤ I hope you will get your romanian citizenship soon. Best regards Kristin!

  22. I got my Portuguese application for citizenship for Sephardic Jews just a couple months before the expiration of this special repatriation path! My application is complete, but the gears of bureaucracy run slowly! So, I am probably looking at a couple years before I hear a decision. Healthcare is my #1!!! But there are plenty of things that add more push. American empire in decline is playing out very ugly.

  23. Most will find immigrating to another country to be difficult unless young with the right in-demand skills, or married someone from the country, or have the right ancestral connections in the right countries, or can afford to buy in (via investment visas in some countries). Good for you that you have an immigration privilege, which is what it is, but for most, immigrating is not so easy, and as you get older, impossible. New Zealand prohibits almost all immigrants age 55 and over and Australia at age 45 or 50. While right of descent immigration is a real thing, most of us don't have that, and it needs to be recognized for what is: a privilege. There are some countries were inbound immigration remains available to many, including retirees – but this broad picture is not well understood. Just look at online forum comments after something happens in the U.S., and the forums are flooded with people who say they will move to country X who will not qualify!

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