Ohio governor, legislature look to change recreational marijuana law before it goes into effect

About a month after Ohio voters overwhelmingly passed Issue 2 to legalize recreational marijuana, the push is on to make …


  1. <<<<<<::::Legalize cannabis federally within each and every state. This way, irrational prohibitionist politicians can't obstruct and prevent legalization against the will of the vast majority of Americans whom support full federal cannabis legalization nationwide. Treat cannabis exactly like we treat far more dangerous and deadly yet perfectly legal alcohol. Legal in all states.::::>>>>

  2. We won the vote and now they're mad so the government of Ohio is making sure to over charge, weaken the product, and take every hope and dream away from the people. I for one will not be supporting any Ohio regulated dispensary beins they are the biggest slap in the face to the people. They will just make it to where we can't afford it anyway. Way to keep black market dealers in business idiots

  3. People who smoke weed recreationally are losers

    Not only is it scientifically proven and well known, but I've noticed it. I've never seen an exceptionally successful or smart stoner. And all the rich and talented people that DO smoke most likely didn't BEFORE they got there. I'm not going to go back and forth with defensive stoners, because they're the most defensive people I've ever seen, and they literally worship weed.

    If you smoke a lot of weed, you're a loser, smell like skunk poop like weed does, and you're a joke to normal, clean people. You're also TECHNICALLY a criminal if it's illegal in your state, and a druggie, BTW.

    This is my opinion, but yeah I look down on stoners or anyone who smokes weed recreationally.




  5. Ohio republicans yet again proving the have no interest in democracy 🙄 they want to hike the tax on it and prevent people from avoiding the tax by taking the time to grow. Tell me again how the gop is anti tax?


    SOMEONE should apprise these senators as to what happened in the Bud Light fiasco. It didn't work out well for the people that tried to subvert the demands of the customer.

    The entire executive team was fired from the ad agency, to Anheiser Bush to InBev. Bud Light is still losing market share. Still to this day. Billions lost, forever.

    In the case of these legislators, the customer is the voter. Going with the lobby money will hurt them deeply.

    When a single item clicks someone to the 'off' position, that's it. That's why Bud Light is still losing money and why these legislators will lose their seat. Just for trying to subvert the will of the Ohio voters.

    GIVE THESE SENATORS THE BUD LIGHT TREATMENT!! If I had a twitter account, I'd tweet that at them.

  7. I've said it once and I'll say it again. If republicans fuck with this bill or any other bill passed by voters, I will vote Democrat across the board for the rest of my time here in ohio, and maybe anywhere else.

  8. Tweaking the Issue is not "completely changing it" it should be a crime. They had a year to tweak the bill but they didn't think it would pass. Now they want more $ and for the taxes to go to police 😞

  9. THC and possession limits:

    25% THC content limit for plant material

    50% THC content limit for extracts (does not apply to adult-use marijuana that has not been fully processed)

    Reduces possession limits to:

    1 ounce for plant material

    5 grams for extracts

    500 milligrams of THC in any form, like edibles

    * See everyone in Monroe 🙂

  10. Stop the legalization of Marijuana! They want to keep people stoned so they don't know or pay attention as to how the government is purposely destroying our country.

  11. Banning home growth? The ONLY reason you'd make that move is you want the revenue and if people grow their own…you don't see, said revenue. The guys are jokes. Remember them at the polls. Ohio has spoken, and DeWine and his henchmen are working against the majority vote.

  12. This is messed up. Where do you even find 50% THC? You aren't allowed to grow ANY plants. AND you can still be drug tested and fired for smoking weed at home. But hey, keep chugging that poisonous alcohol and smoking those rat poisoned cigarettes.

  13. What right does DeWine have to change issue 2 after it has been voted on and passed. He has been in too long and needs to be replaced. Now we, Ohioans, are paying for his mistakes and possibly bribery is involved with OUR electricity. What happens DEWINE when the .plants fail and winter coming on? Where did all those funds go? And, the new guy that lost his position with the state on education? And you hires him for Ohio? And he's in trouble. Explain that to the people in Ohio? You didn't go to the border because of little boo boo but let them all come here in ohio with winter coming and no where to go. Votes and deep pockets. AND TO MAKE MATTERS WORSE.. . TURNER VOTED AGAINST THE IMPEACHMENT OF MYORKAS AND HE HASN'T BEEN TO THE BORDER ONE TIME. WHAT A JOKE HE IS. They both need out. LEAVE issue 2 alone

  14. Isn't this that party of "limited government" and "maximum freedom"? Oh my bad, it's the police state sympathizers party. The people voted. The people won. Stfu and do your job!

  15. The majority that won didn't vote for a law that wasn't even on the ballot, that doesn't even make any sense. I didn't even know this could happen in America this is the type of voting that happens in Communist or dictatorship Countries, hopefully the House represents the voters because obviously the Senate doesn't.

  16. I will vote Democrat if they prevent home growing. Growing a cannabis plant sounds more fun than the tomato plants i grow every summer. On another note, people enjoy the terpintines in cannabis are the draw not necessarily just high thc%. Anyone in any of the 50 states can order 99.9% pure th ca that is perfectly legal and has been since 2018 thanks to the farm bill.

  17. So they vote no for the issue and want to have complete control? That’s not even a democracy it’s the republicans trying to bully there way into a huge tax revenue they realize will help and is good. The people spoke! Just because they don’t agree with it doesn’t mean that they should control it. They are the least educated on the subject and don’t understand at all!

  18. The language to change this law has been snuck into HB86. It’s a bill in regards to alcohol…. But they are sneaking in Marijuana legislation in it. They will be voting on HB86 in the next 48 hours and then pushing it back to the house for an emergency passing. I hope they fall on their asses due to negligence and not writing up the law themselves. The people have spoken…. Leave issue 2 alone!

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