I discuss being smug, sassy & reflecting on old health advice ft. Foodie Beauty



  1. Thanks for a wonderful time, Zach and stream team!

    00:03:45 – Intro music ends

    Foodie Beauty Reactions:
    01:33:00 – Retro reaction to "LIFE AND HEALTH UPDATES"
    01:40:09 – Retro reaction to "HEALTH UPDATES…LEXAPRO?"

    For those who are catching the replay and want to follow along with chat, it can take a little while to upload so you might need to wait for Daddy G to do the processing thing and wander back in a bit.

    Last, but certainly not least, if anyone needs anything at all from access to the Discord for new members through to just wanting to say hi, feel free to reply to this message and I'll catch the notification ASAP.

    Hope to see you all in the next one!

  2. Likely MLM arc update she apparently replied to a comment warning her of them that they are fine as long as you are not spending on the logistics or something to that effect. She’s gonna make a video on it soon 😂

  3. HbA1c is the measurement of the amount of glucose currently attached to the hemoglobin in your blood. It represents a three month average, since that’s how long hemoglobin cells live.

  4. It blows my mind that Chantal thinks that she gets to just come off medication because tummy issues as if we've not reached a nexus of no return lol. Her issues are her issues, if the doctor says that this medication is to treat said issues, she doesn't get to decide that nope it won't work for her and she'd like another platter of medication to choose from instead. We've gotten way past that point and it feels like she still hasn't realized how bad her situation is.

  5. It's always shocking to see Chantelle acting so smug. While having diabetes, fatty liver disease, heart problems, and god knows what else! oh, and being over 400lbs, loophole marriage, and rarely leaving the flat.

    She is obviously delusional because nobody is jealous of that. Who would be jealous of that life? She is literally delusional.

  6. Chantelle loves to talk about people cowering behind avatars while she cowers behind filters after filters after filters, hijabs and neck spanx. She pretends to be Muslim, yet she doesn't pray, she doesn't read the quran, The only thing she follows, which is optional, is wearing a hajab and a full-on tent.

  7. It's completely bizarre how she will share everything besides marriage certificate, which is just a piece of paper with your names on it. She loves proving the haters wrong and that would definitely prove the haters wrong. 100% they don't have one or it's fishy as hell. Or it might have a very recent date on it.

  8. I so miss Australia in December. The weather starts to get warm but not yet insufferable and the holidays always meant a good 4 weeks off work (Billabong in Burleigh)
    I literally can smell it in my mind. 😂❤ plus my son is living there full time after completing his masters degree at UQ

  9. She has said several times in the past she was eating "homemade rotisserie chicken" I was always curious about how she made it since she's never shown us a rotisserie in the tiny kitchen. We now know that "homemade" means homemade by someone else.

  10. Shes been forced to work prob by salah, but shes awfully smug as if whatever shes up to is going to rise her above all reactors. Its a MLM, and has something to do with weight loss n health or the car. Either way she will fail as history speaks for her (it)

  11. Foodie, dearest, your audience members are NOT trained therapists. Get a clue, dearie. You need help desperately. If you dont get it and actually use the tools provided, this will not work.

  12. Sorry for the second comment but watching this should scare the crap out of Amber. She is only 5 or 6 years younger than Foodie and they say the same things, eat the same things (including cottage cheese and mustard), claim the same mental issues. Amber is heavier than Foodie and has already had many of the same health issues.

  13. Here in the US at least, a marriage certificate is public record and can be pulled by anyone who fills out a form. Medical records are confidential and you would need either a release or a warrant to get them.
    Gorlicbread did a fade of her at the same angle from her most recent walking video and one from several months ago. Lined up the heads. The growth was so obvious.

  14. I'm not an expert on MLMs but I've watched a lot of videos by a Youtuber named Hannah Alonzo (she also has 2 kitty cats that sometimes make an appearance). The issue is you only make real money if you have a lot of people in your downline so when they sell product you also make money from it. She doesn't know anyone in Kuwait so is she hoping to get Beezers in downline?? Also, MLM cars – the car agreement is between the individual and the car company. You meet your targets, the MLM will give you a bonus to cover the car payment for that month. If you don't meet your targets, you are still liable for making the car payment, NOT the MLM.

  15. You have some brilliant detectives among the viewers. I wouldn’t have assumed an MLM was a part of the nonsense, but when someone pointed out that the car might be part of the deal (hence the plastic on the seats), the lightbulb switched on. 💡

  16. I had a dream Pulpy made a stream."we talk about Foody Beauty Chantal Marie and her latest dieat and health journey"or something😄When I woke up, I was thinking how pissed I will be if there is nothing😄But here it is!

  17. She’s been diabetic probably longer than 2019. The criteria is fasting BS over 126mg/dL. 2 hours post eating BS above 200 mg/DL. an A1C above 6.5. Being untreated for long periods of time make it harder to control when you do start implementing treatment. Also these type of patients are harder to control. You can take an A1C even if you never have seen a doctor. The amount of times you sit with a physician won’t change your blood sugars average. It’s a retrospective number.

  18. If we're in the MLM arc, please acquire Lularoe (many people who are getting out pawn them off online for dirt cheap) and wear it as religiously as you wear the ears for Amby. You don't necessarily have to wear them as leggings… 👀

  19. I get so irritated everytime Chantal says anything about animals because every time she shows her ass. I know there's way more to be mad about but god. Cats DO have their own packs, they're called colonies. Dogs tend to wander together but cats will usually have a colony they will go back to. And also yeah really showing how much you care about these animals when you think B roll of dogs suffering from the heat is going to get people to like you.

    Also also lmfao we've come full circle back to the petty rage videos instead of just community tab posts. Nice job showing your ass to your new audience with those very pious shots to your haters. No wonder Salah isn't around anymore.

  20. My God. I spend the entire morning in the software store, my PC is dead 🥹😢and missed the livestream. Anyway the helium voice of foodie is a lot Zamn😂 She needs intense THERAPY ASAP!
    A message to Mr Frog inside Zach' s troat, take some honey mate 😂

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