Hemp conversion to graphene and diamond. Smart carbon capture?

Hemp has been celebrated and vilified in equal measure over the centuries. It has fantastic properties for textiles and ropes, but it …


  1. To verify a stored carbon would it have to be stored in the ground for 150,000 years? Turning the hemp fiber into another useful product wouldn’t that just create more industry and more carbon?

  2. Hemp can pretty much grow anywhere. You don’t need to use hydroponics and waste water. It’s a weed. It can grow in ditches. And it gives back to the soil

  3. We should be cautious of jumping on the CO2, global warming bandwagon. Nature has a way of managing the CO2 and as always, she does a better job than the so-called modern man. Carbon is not the enemy; if looking at it from nature's perspective, we're already in carbon-deficit; if we had larger amounts, we'd have a greener planet. Again, nature's response is the perfect design. If all the self-proclaimed intelligencia (Bill Gates, Prince Charles, Klaus Schwab,, Greta Thumberg and all associated world-government, climate change peanut gallery) are not more intelligent than the intelligent design of Creation. If we really want to clean the environment, we don't need to teraform it for the reptiles with a UN-driven scorched earth policy. Crux: Chemtrails and industrial pollution should be the focus, not carbon sequestering. Then of course, we can address how toxic industries' solution to pollution is dilution, poisoning the sacred water, The Source of life, not a Re-Source.

    Super excited about hemp and all the non-toxic industries it will open. Mexico and the Americas seem a bit slow on the uptake, mostly due to the fear of the CIA's drug cartels. Sheer panic sets in the faces of the Mexicans with whom I broach this subject. Zero THC, wouldn't matter; anything that looks like the cannabis you smoke seems like a suicide mission in MX.

    Mono-cropping… are there studies to indicate that hemp would negatively impact the biodiversity? I'm still researching that. If mono cropping hemp is proven to have a negative impact on biodiversity, it seems like the smartest alternative is to have every other neighbor growing it while local enterprise operates the businesses to process it. At least 20,000 major industries, with associated cottage industries could replace and/or retool nearly every (if not all) toxic industries of the contemporary era.

    Love it tho… high time we have these discussions. Thanks for sharing. I have subscribed and look forward to the next installments as these fledgling industries achieve flight.

    If anyone is working on or thinking about Free Energy Devices & Anti Gravity vehicles; I sure would love to play with some ideas and develop a prototype.

    All the best family!

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    yes … because it raise the synaptic cinnectiin and when you want dumb votjng cattle whuch eat every lie its dangerous for crj unals and so the ilegalize it and murder each year 8-10 milliins only eith cancer whuch it geals … veside 250 other sicknesses wnd duseas like alzheumer, epilepsy … and asthma too, ect.

    what a damed vad plant for oharmacy?

    that terror … and then al! that poor crimjnals …

    a mess … rught?

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  5. Can we please get off this stupid carbon issue? It's a fraud. CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and all life on earth would die if it dropped to 0.02%. It's barely measurable, it's nothing. It is not warming anything.

  6. Human scale carbon capture is really just a token gesture. When you look at the volumes needed to make an impact it's insane. When you compare that to stopping deforestation or replanting forests, it's ridiculous.
    Hemp is great as a renewable material, but we shouldn't consider it to be significant as a carbon capture method.

  7. Cannabis in door is very finicky. I legally grow indoors. You need large allot of eletric to grow cannabis properly . Dehumidifiers ac pumps ph nutrient monitors . Unless we go all nuclear you can't rob Peter to pay Paul. Also using pond water would introducing root rot from the pond bacteria.
    You know during prohibition here in the states we purchased seeds from the uk because your laws made it possible for seeds to be purchased legaly. Allot of the genetics were able to be kept from breeding becuas so.

  8. This is brilliant, both the concept and the video. This has many complex moving parts to this, but they are all proven technologies and this is a fully-planned factory set-up, with multiple different feedback loops to maximise efficiency, minimise waste, and even provide its own power.

  9. Off the bat wrong info: There are three cannabis plants, Sativa and Indica (are thc containing used for recreation) and there's the third type Ruderalis a.k.a Hemp (used for industrial purposes).

  10. How about this for an idea? Hemp outgrows virtually everything else (except bamboo, which also has many uses) and absorbs CO₂ faster than trees – this much we know. Air pollution emanates from road use and airports. Hemp doesn't care about air pollution – in fact it loves it, because elevated CO₂ concentrations at ground level (with CO₂ being heavier than O₂ or N₂) enable it to grow even faster. The associated pollution would also be locked in to growth. So why not have deep belts of industrial hemp production alongside motorways and surrounding airports? Airports aren't too keen on having too many trees around them as they attract birds that don't tend to add to the efficiency of jet engines, so hemp would be a much better choice. Another idea would be to have belts of hemp separating areas of woodland – so when there's a serious risk of forest fire the hemp can be harvested, thus restricting the potential spread of fire.

  11. And when we grow the hemp to seed, the proteins and essential fatty acids are vastly more nutritious than soybeans or corn could ever be. Not to mention the health of the soil and more like hempcrete requires much less energy to produce then concrete does

  12. Climate change is a hoax. Those that rule you and want to see less number of people living on Earth (UN, WHO, World Bank, IMF etc) want you to reduce your CO2 footprint because they want to have less number or you alive. Simple equation. The more fossils we use to produce food the cheaper it is to grow our population. It is a fact.. not my opinion. Fossil fuels made it possible to have a massive population growth.
    Climate change is hoax was invented by those who seek to rule you .. the elite. Those that want to see you die.

  13. By the way you are missing one more plant that has like 3-4 times the output of hemp, it is perennial and doesn't deplete the soil like hemp does because it has very efficient photosynthesis. It is Miscanthus x Giganteus.

  14. Every time we find something, to assist with the climate, some politicians slither into their private jets, then fly off to the climate accords to rally the people, then slither back into their private jets and fly back to their country of origin to legislate all the profits out of the technology killing the upside to the benefits of the new technologies.

  15. There is always ideas but no one ever shows the actual follow-through… I want to see a walkthrough of a plant like this and how it operates … You hear an idea and then there's never any follow through I think it's amazing idea especially with the LED grow light technology they have now The bulbs need very little power relative to how much growth you get and they last a long long time.

  16. One of the issues associated with hemp plants growing inside a facility is the omnipresence of mold that equates to a high percentage of hemp loss. There is a technology that has been proven to reduce the loss down to a fraction of loss in an unprotected growth/processing facility. I have studied the potential impact of graphene on our lives and to say the least, graphene is one of the most important products that can and will have a major impact and important aspect of the future and a way to prolong the life of everything graphene is a part of.

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