What REALLY Happens After Quitting Marijuana

Tired of being a slave to marijuana? Book a 40 minute call to learn how to quit weed for good: …


  1. Thank you so much brother for sharing from your heart. I quit weed one week ago and went through about everything you just said. Especially, a lot of the childhood trauma. I’ve been watching videos for a week I got more out of yours than any just a lot of commonalities and I really appreciate you and God bless you brother.

  2. Psychedelics saved me from years of uncontrollable depression, anxiety, and illicit pills addiction. Imagine carving heavy chains for over a decade and then all of a sudden that burden is gone. Believe it or not, in a couple of years they'll be all over for treatment of mental health related issues.

  3. My appetite is the opposite before i smoked i could eat like a stoner 3 meals a day. But after I've been doing it for 5 years and i noticed I usually eat about once or twice a day. For me it suppresses my appetite. But I have cut back significantly and now my appetite seems normal again, really am aimming to quit fully!

  4. I'm 7 days sober now and I'm having the wildest dreams. Last night I dreamt that someone cut my fingers off one by one and I woke up soaked in sweat. Its not all bad though, my reproductive system is also responding better and its more sensitive which I find curious. Also i have these weird spasms in my index finger which is weird but i guess detoxing is what it is. I smoke on and off and then not so much off for the last 15 years so this has been a big step for me already.

  5. Smokin marijuana over 20 years. High all day every day. Quit for 7 years actually between 15 and 22. It's simple really. If you have been high and happy every day all day long for years, you've missed those years. 10 years ago, feels like 10 minutes ago. It wasn't ten minutes ago. Ever since forever people have wanted to be "20 forever". You ask someone who's 20 if they could stay 20 their whole life would they. Most would. They'd say they sent what 40 and so on looks like. looks like there's not much to miss. Marijuana freezes time and takes you out of it. Use a few times a year, your out of time on rare occasion. Use all the time. Your always out of time. So, last time I quit for over a month i was completely returned to my real place in my time, in time. Returned to my real skin, opened my real eyes. What was so odd, was that I thought it would feel new, when infact it felt very familiar, it was my spirit, like a kings chair, still waiting for me. I felt ashamed that all these years I had infact forgot my own spirit, now I could feel it, and realized I had no clue I'd been without it for so so long. Thinking I was happy and more happy. It was like my own spirit wasn't good enough for me, or I was too good for it. Then I felt ungratefull. Then I realized even though I'd had my spirit handed back to me on a silver plater and the realization that I'd been outside myself for so long and not even known it and how much I owe myself now to experience real long seconds in long days that add up to months and so on. To love the fact life is long, goes really really slow, that this is good, we want it this way, we have lots of time, only depressing enlightenment, is that as slow as it seems, one day it will be over, so take it easy. You want to be present. Because one day we will be gone, do you, at that wretched time, looking back want to say "I wasn't really there"? Ovcourse not. So, here's how it is for me: I quit, as the day goes on, I feel I'm on the outside, I should be back in bed stoned. After a week the delusion of returned reality begins. After a month, no longer a delusion. Your back, you know you've missed every second, every long hour and day, a ungrateful friend you've been to yourself and everyone else. Grinning and not there,. Taking the very life and soul of life for granted. You are forgiven because you actually had no clue, only you can't forgive yourself for all the real feelings life and time you laughed at while stoned, unaware, now you are aware. Your conscience. Now you wanna be present, in each second, not seeing seconds like microseconds, and years like a handful of minutes. You changed your mind, you no longer want to be 20 in this second in that hour of that beautiful autumn sunny afternoon you chose to start using. You want to be 30, then 40. You want your mortality back, real good slow time, returning to normal, you forgot what it felt like, your sorry to yourself, family, everyone. I know people who were daily stoners, gave it up for a marriage or something like i 0:07 t

  6. I smoked everyday for 2 years and now i quit 10 days ago, the only different i notice is a loss of appetite for first few days, and i have vivid dreams almost every night , and i expect to continue seeing such dreams for next couple months. I don't have depression or anything, i did exercises while smoking and i am still exercising without weed

  7. I quit smoking marijuana 4 whole days now and I feel clear headed, but I'm feeling slightly painful jabs of pain on the base & top of the right brain side that come and go. Is this a withdrawal symptom?

  8. I am 23 been smoking since 16 and it’s slowing my progress and it feels as if I am taking hella steps back in life….. I don’t plan on quitting anytime soon tho , I am only smoking 1 joint at night but still doesn’t feel right to have to be spending some of my cash on weed and yeah just feels like a setback when it’s anything to do with weed but I feel as if weed is stuck with me 🙁 but I think I’ll quit soon

  9. Today is my 6 days of not touching weed. 12 years of smoking everyday. Recently I have been staying at mom's house. Today I got kicked out, Technically I'm homeless because of my behaviour. I'm easily triggered. I took time off work. I have no money saved up even for hotel. The struggle is real. My sleep is returning. I swim in the ocean everyday for 2 hours. I have fish bone soup every night to help sleep. It actually helps me to sleep. Remember me in your prayer I hope I don't get robbed Tonight sleeping outdoors in parks or coffee shops.

  10. Thanks for this. My brilliant , creative 36 yr old son has been in a smoking cocoon ( avoiding difficult feelings?) .. pandemic didn't help. He's not working, I know enough to not push, but it's really hard to wstch life go by – wasted- in both senses of ghe word. What is the turning point?

  11. It takes waaaaay longer than you think for your brain to be reprogrammed.
    To get rid of the exhaustion that goes with weed. To find new neuro pathways..

    Im about 8 months sober now but did not really have the expected magic effect.

    Body takes really long to recover from this useless habit.

    Stick to it fellas.

  12. They try to make you think that weed is some kind of hard drug that's highly addictive.
    I was smoking for year straight, every single day and I just quit without any problems or withdrawals at all.
    Bunch of bullshit.

  13. I’m 60 and have smoked pot for 45 years I was able to stop once I started taking Tide Pods now my life is so much better. And now when I fart the dogs have fun poping all the bubbles in the air.

  14. Going to be honest I have not even started to quit and I’ve been using every day for about 12 years, I have a fantastic memory, and no real complaints about using it but I would like to try being excited about life again so I’ll try it out but make no promises to anything just want to eat and sleep normally and be excited about life I haven’t felt that in a long time

  15. I started smoking Marijuana since my teenage. Got addicted to Crack for over 11 years. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

  16. You get a bad sinus infection and feel like shit that’s what happens. Had to go to emergency it was so bad and I think it was do to vaping marijuana. I won’t be touching it ever again even the eddibles I don’t trust it anymore even if I would have cut back I would have felt like crap. I had no motivation and just wanted to lay around all day weed is not for me. I also didn’t want to exercise or go out, I developed more bad habits, a bad cough, the sinus infection, would get paranoid to at times.

  17. I smoked all day every day for 17 years. I quit 3 months ago. I definitely had the difficulty eating. One positive side effect is that a lot of anxiety went away. And I am dreaming again, which is most likely because I’m getting more REM sleep.

  18. I'm 41 and smoked every day since I was 16. I've tried a few times I the past but guess I just wasn't ready. I'm literally about to have my last one which is strange why this post propped up. But very good timing. Knowing other people have gone through what I'm about to go through makes things seem a little less difficult. So thanks for this video.

  19. Honestly, I feel that weed can be in the way, but the reality is, life is tough and most of the time stressful, ALOT of people use some sort of somthing to "take the edge off" – It takes a really strong will to accept the fact that it is not the weed, but it is the GOAL, or the true motivation that will keep you held down. Weed making it "Cloudy" to diagnose YOUR goals is a real thing, but considering there are a TON of successful marijuana smokers that have -0- problems with the substance, makes me place blame on other things for the percived …"lack of motivation" – If you find yourself living to smoke, stop. – Live to Live.

  20. Marijuana is a over hyped temporary band aid its best to handle issues in reality and many ways to over come ptsd without a downer todays weed is stronger and genetically enhanced by man for money I’ll have to take a line from ace frehley my only high was just a lie and now I’m glad I saw

  21. I quit over 6 months ago cold turkey and it was so easy. The withdraw symptoms were more about routines and not so much physical. Before I quit I didn’t have motivation issues or have lack of exercise, or loss of appetite. I did have severe anxiety and paranoia and always would feel like I wish I didn’t smoke out. The anxiety and paranoia would basically make me paralyzed to do social things so I basically became a hermit who felt a lot of shame about my smoking weed. I am doing so much better with making plans with people but still have a long way to go. Definitely the best decision I made was to quit and it improved my well being so much. Best of all this change cost nothing and had only positive side effects. My best to all of you on this journey.

  22. I’m 27 and chronically smoked cannabis since I was 18. I quit two years ago and it was the best decision I ever made in my life. Your whole life perception changes: motivation, goal setting and finances improve. Marijuana is a drug that in the that in long term affects mental health, towards the end of my smoking I was getting so much anxiety and depression. I quit and life is so much better god bless.

  23. Darlings, I smoked weed from 14 years old to now. I just stopped at 70 years young. I feel great, natural high now. Weed stops your life. Congrats to all the warriors who quit weed and got your lives back.

  24. It's been 6 days since I decided and kind of was forced to quit. Sleeping has been so bad. Before I started smoking weed I suffered insomnia, and now I feel like it's coming back but thankfully now I know that it's just the symptoms of quitting.

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