1. As a bud tender, we see how pathetic weed can make the average person. I’ve seen people use their last $20 to buy weed instead of paying bills. These aren’t medical patients, just people who smoke recreationally (according to them). We’ve had customers scream at us because we won’t allow them to purchase when they’re short $3. If you can’t afford a recreational item like weed, you probably shouldn’t be smoking it enough to have withdrawls.

  2. This video just sounds like anti-drug propaganda that isn't based on any facts or scientific studies. I don't personally know of any marijuana-only users who have complained of going through withdrawal symptoms when they ran out or stopped using.

    I wouldn't be surprised if the "people" this video cites as a source of information had also quit smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or doing another illegal drug at the same time they stopped smoking marijuana.

  3. I dunno, how hard is it to step over this ridiculous drug but I do believe that we have to try to handle it in a very positive way. I really don't like the side effects we face and can only hope we are able to deal with the crazy of it sooner rather than later but I'm just not sure what to say about it. How much more can I take from this withdrawal and not freak out? I wish I knew. ❣️🥺

  4. i smoked weed everyday from 17 too 35 and when i quit a gained a bunch of weight idk.why i think cuz i was bored so i just ate all the time still havent quit cigaretts yet. quit painkillers after 10 years then weed after 17 years but still gotta quit the ciga

  5. I started smoking weed when i was a teenager, today i'm 30 years old. I quit 2 days ago … wish me luck
    Update : two weeks have passed, i had sleep troubles for the first week, and i was angry all the time but now i started to recover my sleep and my calm.

  6. Oh please cry me a tear. A person can get over weed by going outside and walk. Get that fresh air into your lungs. That can give you the high you need. Trust me I’m an old hippie and know better. Seen and done a lot and I’m still living a fair life.

  7. I don’t use it for years at a time when in countries with ridiculous laws against it. But when in Canada I use it daily. I love it and find it motivating for menial work and creative play. Growing up in Canada I used it almost daily depending on activity usually after work if teaching or working with people in contexts where I wanted maximum immediate memory recall and linear focus. I’ve personally never experienced any of the negative effects talked about here. The only positives about not smoking Cannabis to me are not spending the cash which is not a big deal to me given the benefits but more importantly when not smoking I have way better dream recall.

  8. Might sound cliche but mindfulness meditation can help with some stress from withdrawals. I used the book 30 Days to Reduce Anxiety by Harper Daniels and there are other books.

  9. I've been a daily user for over a decade now, though my adderall prescription I got a few years ago has cut down on that dramatically. I don't have withdrawals except for some trouble sleeping. But I'm also trying to have a baby, and I know I'm gonna have to quit both once I finally get pregnant. As much as I look forward to starting a family, I'm dreading having to give them up.

  10. I quit for about 10 years way back & was shocked when I got high for the first time again because it was so intense(reminding me that the first time is different because your system is 100% clean).

    I was smoking the cheapest dirt weed too(back in 2017) & yet I seldom get even close to that level with the good stuff I smoke now(unless I take shrooms with & other stuff). I go months w/o smoking now cuz I get bored with weed & nothing changes when I smoke again.

    Then literally just this week I went a few days w/o smoking while taking niacin & milk thistle for health supplement cleansing & Im pretty sure it was those 2 supplements that made me get SUPER high yesterday which reminded me of that "first time" feeling(not full blown but close enough).

    Im going to test this multiple times again just to be sure but if my theory is right, all weed smokers should do this to increase the effect. Keep in mind, people have said for years that niacin is a good way to get weed out your system. Oddly, it seems to be true even if only in the sense of removing it from certain receptors that make it intense again.

    I only did about 3 days no weed tops while taking niacin & by about the 4th day(yesterday) when i finally smoked, it hit harder(the high effect). If I use percentages…the first ever high feels like 90% rising to 100%. Most highs after that feel like 80% tops but average keeping you feeling around 60 going on 70% high tops no matter what you do.

    When you get burned out, it feels like you cant even get higher than 40% which is why i tend to just stop smoking as it seems to waste money & time while not satisfying. The high I got yesterday felt like I hit 90% again or real close & my theory is if I do a longer niacin cleanse, I can achieve that 100% feel again or close.

    I only smoke out of cleaned cleared non clogged with resin pipe & I only had like 2 bowls when I realized "Im high af!". High level lasted long af too which made me forget I oddly had stopped smoking for hours(I tend to smoke bowl after bowl until Im done with 5 or so). Game changing info if this is true…try it & spread the word if you find it too be true.

    It gave me a happy to be alive type of high & my mind was clear as one should be, it just baffled me how great a time I was having. Keep in mind Im 100% an advocate of not driving while high…def nobody this high should be driving. God is my witness I added my disclaimer so if you do something foolish cuz you got too high, thats on you.

    It had me sitting down chill watching sunset fully entertained w/ no music by myself & Im a huge music head. Had me all creative coming up with ideas….TRY IT & see! One of the best things I ever discovered IMHO & happy to see a random weed video in my feed to pass the knowledge.

    If you read my long winded post & it works for you, you must be blessed cuz Im pretty sure 99.9% of smokers dont know bout this…I felt blessed cuz I feel like I be wasting my money when I cant even get as high as weed was meant to get me. Makes your weed hit the way it was meant…simple concept too but in application, mind blown how much it worked out w/o anyone ever telling me.

    I heard of people taking niacin with micro doses of shrooms & Im not sure if this is a similar concept(making it more intense before shrooms work or making it less intense via working against the shrooms to make certain the dose is micro enough…Id imagine if you take the niacin days before a trip dose itll have the weed effect I had vs if you take it at the same time, itll probably work against it being as effective…just my theory which also I will test seeing that so little info on what niacin actually does with shrooms is out there short of regurgitated replies with no experimentation nor scientific data to confirm).

    Last tip, I was using the flush free niacin that has no flush…all the shroom forums always recommend you find niacin that still has the flush but again, they never explain whether it truly increases or sedates the power of the shroom…but I can tell you flush free niacin works to cleanse your body so that your weed hits harder(prolly shouldnt take it at the same time neither…take it at least 24 hours before you smoke). Salute fam.

  11. I quit smoking for 7 months once and I stole my cousins longterm girlfriend and married her, after the 7, months I took a hit and looked at my wife and realized I love my cousin and this is his woman not mine.. God is Real and Jesus is his Son Son

  12. Ohio just passed recreational use… way past time to legalize it federally. This is nothing but a propaganda hit piece and isn't accurate information. HUGE FAIL. Cite your sources. * How many lives has the passing of medical MJ saved vs pushing opioids down people's throats with chronic pain issues??? Do a piece featuring *that . Lazy, biased reporting almost to the joke level of 'Reefer Madness"; fire the fool that put this crap together, they did little to no real research. Stretching much?

  13. I was up to as much as 1800mg of THC a day. 500mg edible does 3x, and some smoke to even the highs. Even after taking breaks for months, I would go from 2-3 joints to 16 joints in less than 2 weeks. I am now trying to quit for good, one part being the need to exercise but unable to commit when using weed. Post stent, back got really bad and zero food control when high. Even now, over 3 months later the nightmares have not fully gone away. For the first month I woke up every 90 minutes to extreme dreams. Then there was the long term Cannaboid Hyper-remesis Syndrome issue where if I went too far, it was emergency room visits writhing in pain. Then the weed allergies similar to summer allergies but over the top bad, held back with Dristan, Flonase and daily allergy pills. Even now at over 3 months I haven't fully recovered. It took 2 months before I was able to start exercising. Military pension funded my use, so I could get high all day, everyday. Good thing weed is not addictive.

  14. The main harm that comes from cannabis is that it opens up your mind to discern propaganda better. Alcohol and tobacco use is far more more harmful than cannabis yet videos like this continue to focus on the supposed harms of a more safer alternative instead of focusing on the elephants in the room, tobacco and alcohol. I'm 99% certain your trashing of cannabis is being funded by the alcohol and tobacco industries which compete with cannabis.

    You guys are on the wrong side of history and not focusing on higher level harms in society.

    Several scientific analyses have concluded that marijuana useage results in far fewer hazards to health than tobacco and alcohol consumption. Specifically, a paper published in the British Columbia Mental Health and Addictions Journal estimated that health-related costs per user are eight times higher for drinkers of alcoholic beverages than they are for those who use cannabis, and that they are more than 40 times higher for tobacco smokers. The paper’s authors concluded, “In terms of [health-related] costs per user: Tobacco-related health costs are over $800 per user, alcohol-related health costs are much lower at $165 per user, and cannabis-related health costs are the lowest at $20 per user."

  15. I was a 'chronic' daily Cannabis user for 2 decades and then quit cold turkey when I moved to another country with insane drug laws, and the worst thing I experienced was a few nights of restless sleep. I never felt cravings for it. I would recommend benzodiazepines for sleep for anyone who quits, but for no more than two weeks because benzodiazepines are really addictive if used long-term.

  16. Watching this while smoking Bud out of a home made popcan bowl😂 But I've been smoking since been a preteen, & quit many times over, theres no (side effects or withdraws) with bud!!! It's called control & willpower, the other stuff is just in your head!

  17. It's very important that the mainstream media asks these kinds of questions or we're gonna keep losing people both mentally and physically for decades. Yet consumers still turn to drugs when shit gets tough.

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