My Hunting Dogs Having Seizures! Whats Killing My Pointer Diesel!

Sin City Outdoors german shorthaired pointer Diesel started having seizures. The dog was taken to the vet and he could not find …


  1. This was perhaps the most challenging animal upload I've endured in my 16yrs of watching YT. Diesel was a SOLDIER through it all.

    Also, since the vet found no signs of illness, does that mean they weren't adequately trained to identify poisonous plants? Maybe Sagos are rare, perhaps, because I've never heard of that plant/tree.

  2. I'm so glad he's better it was so hard to watch him having an attack. We all love our dogs dearly once again I'm happy he's back to normal. Thanks for the video you guys are awesome!

  3. Thanks for the video. I have had my gsp for 15 years. She has had mini episodes for years. She will almost fall over and then catch herself. Today she started drooling and couldnt walk for about 5 to 10 minutes. Trying to determine whether it is neuroligical or poisoning from a food seasoning or something.

  4. thanks for sharing. However, as a vet tech, a dog having a seizure should never be touched! He is to be left alone. They have no control over their bodies as it it jerking out of control. This is very dangerous as they can bite you unintentionally and will not release the grip as the seizure tenses the mouth. Always good to wait about a half hour after a seizure to ensure that it is over and that the recognizes you. My dog would often times not recognize me after a seizure and growl for a good half hour!

  5. My German short haired pointer had seizures too, she had seizures because somebody gave her antifreeze😭. We had to put her down because she couldn’t want and she was puking straight up water. She was my favorite dog and I didn’t get to say goodbye😭😭. R.I.P. Willow😭😭 love you

  6. In New Zealand we are covering our backcountry in 1080 poison, using the government excuse (completely prove to be a lie) that it kills our introduced pests whilst leaving everything else untouched. Yeh, right. It kills absolutely everything and affects dogs almost immediately, they die a very nasty death. I'm no longer able to take my dog hunting in the areas I used to because of 1080.

  7. Great video. Our GSP, Razzle Dazzle (2yrs) has had 2 seizures within the past 3 months. I was sure that the flea medicine (fipronil) caused the first one but then this morning we went through it again. Those meds have been gone for months so it was not that. Raz was locked up, toes splayed, body locked, just a bad scene. Ran off to the vet and by the time we got there she was fine. Running around crazy fine. Still no answers but will keep you posted. How is Diesel doing now?

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