Keeping Up with Cannabinoid Medicine Research with Bonni Goldstein, MD

Dr. Bonni Goldstein is one of the country’s most respected and experienced medical cannabis physicians, having treated …


  1. Cannabinoids are essential fats (like Omegas 3 & 6), meaning our ECS cannot biosynthesis the nutrients so we must consume them to maintain health; particularly after 40 years of age. Since we do not eat our essential fats our Telomere Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) Gene turns off around age of 40. This TERT Gene is in all animals and turns off to kill off the old quickly to preserve the "scarce" essential nutrients for the young.

    Humans require 20mg per kilogram of body weight daily. 10:1 (CBD:THC) is baseline is tolerated best. Titrating up THC has faster and more profound effects in reversing early aging and oxidative disease (90+% of all diseases). In my research slowly going towards a 3:1 ratio over 3 months is optimal and by 9-12 months 99+% of early aging symptoms are resolved and the ECS is refunctioning at a physiological state as someone in their early 20's.

  2. Watching this as Norwegian makes me so angry with my government.

    Over here you have to be dying or have some sort of super rare condition.
    What you have must be traditionally non-treatable and even then it's not a given that you get a prescription.

    For those of us unable to get a prescription.
    The police has a free to harass card, like they can strip you naked on a public street and beat up for marijuana.

    Hell, if they try to bust you and don't find anything, and if it's the right assholes.
    They'll kidnap you off the street and say they pulled you out of your car, make you piss in a cup and then they'll sprinkle it with drugs.

    Police in Norway are doing to cannabis users, what segregation did to black people in America.

    This country is a ruse, all smoke and mirrors.
    We are a communist-fascist country, you can't really own shit here – everything belongs to the state in the end, human bodies born on our land does too.
    People have tried to denounce their Norwegian citizenship, Norway won't allow it.
    It's pretty fucked to be living in the greatest, richest and most non-democratic democratic country in the world.

    Norway spits on the European Human Rights Act, these humans belong to Norway so they have no rights.

  3. Had the honor to hear her live in persona in Berlin 2019. Her research and results in daily doing send the delegation of Austrian Chief MDs shouting and crying out the door. "Irresponsible", "not true what you present" – it was a festival of emotions =) All she did, was presenting her work.

  4. I'm truly amazed and angry with the podcast today. Let me explain. It's amazing how two medical professionals can come together and have an honest and informative discussion about a plant that can help so many people on so many different levels. I'm angry because I feel like I could have helped so many people in my life who either didn't have the knowledge or information that both Dr's shared while giving the average consumer like myself more knowledge to expand on. Thank you for cannmed. The information is out there for those who don't know or with limited information or have been misinformed about how versatile the cannabis plant is when used medicinally. Thank you please continue to teach while as Dr's you continue to do research. 👍

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