How Do We Hold Troops Accountable After the Cannabis Ban Lift? #shorts

Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz (R) has proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would end the military’s …


  1. If a man joins the military at the age of 18 he can legally drink did anybody know that they have a military ID that lets them buy alcohol under 21 I don't give a f*** if the people who are going and blowing up the big bad guys that want to destroy this country are smoking some pot there are other things to f**** worry about

  2. Soldiers will smoke before work, before pt, first break, bathroom breaks , at lunch, second break, after work, on the way to the gym, on there way home..before they go to sleep 😂😂😂😂

  3. I cannot believe how uneducated people still are about Cannabis. Hell, im a trucker and i love cannabis but i never do it on the job. So what the hell is she talking about??

  4. Troops are 99.99% signed up for incentives. They are willing to kill people for money. Our war history is not patriotic lately, it's blood money. I see crazy people everyday who would kill people for money if they could get away with it. They are psychopaths.

  5. There are several companies busting their ass for an active quantifiable thc test. It’s a billion dollar product.

    Insurance is the main driving force. In the event of a cannabis related accident, how can you tell if it was the factor in the incident? We have breathalyzers, so any minute trace would be assumed fault. Since no one wants to should that liability, it unilaterally banned in many cases.

    But if there were a test that could gauge how high you were in that moment, then employers and the military wouldn’t care what you do in your free time.

    That’s the holy grail that will break it all open

  6. Cannabis not a drug but an herb. Just as safe as coffee if used responsibly,

    One wouldn't drink several cups of coffee before bed, and neither should you smoke before going on watch, doing your orders (then again, some THCv will make you focus)✌️

    Still, no side effects and unlike booze/ opiates, you won't die if you don't have it. Same cannot be said for alcoholic/ opiate abuser…


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