Can cannabis ease chemotherapy side effects?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, killing more than 8 million people every year. In Australia, trials are under …


  1. But Dr. Peter Grimison, it is nearly 2022 yet our people are dying whilst Australia is 'trialling,' Medicinal Cannabis allegedly just to see if it is safe for cancer patients??? Medicinal Cannabis has been used successfully by caring doctors for 20 years in Europe and America etc. So why do oncologists/politicians still insist you to take dangerous Heroin, Morphine, Narcotics & Pramin instead of Medicinal Cannabis!!!! In the first instance the incompetent Australian Government's PM Mr. Morrison, incompetent NSW Government's Premier Ms. Berejiklian must clarify why? Can you see the contradiction, Cannabis is legal in Canberra, can be grown in your home.Try a big pinch of trusted Cannabis leaf, making a tea, sip on it, obviously safer than Narcotics!

  2. I have/had cancer I had surgery then chemo !. I smoked THC weed, now I'm looking for a job? But I know THC will come out on the drug test ? What can I do I'm I screwed? 🤔
    Honestly weed help me out alot more then the stupid pills

  3. I have cancer I don't want to get high I'm just tired of being sick chemotherapy is hard on me because I also have cystic fibrosis. If you know about cannabis can you please tell me how it can help me. God bless you

  4. Ralph moss report shows there are only a few conditions that chemo is efficacious for, yet they use it for every thing. Its average success is 2-5% ON MOST CONDITIONS. Graviloa , low zinc black salve, iv vitamin C are VALID chemo alternatives, less toxic, macrobiotic menu cured 4 people where chemo , radiation and surgery did not work, LOOK IT UP IT WAS ON TV CALLED THE INCURABLES(its on youtube)…yet they still use Chemo where its only 2-5% efficacious…why? because you dont research alternatives first and know where to look that will change soon..chemo will be phased out like round up and nuclear weapons, wait and see must learn what works if oyu want to survive ..ITS COMING.

  5. George Soros would be happy. He is the largest funder of marijuana plantations in the world. He also pays for stories like this to try to release his killer drugs for everyone.

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