灰姑娘被渣男和妹妹奪走一切,沒想到竟意外重生到頂流女明星身體裡,重來一世她攜手億萬霸總霸氣復仇!【豪門盛寵:影后歸來】#chinesedrama #都市 #短劇#愛情 #爽文 #追妻火葬場

女神劇場~最新~最全~最熱門~爽文翻拍短劇~~ #tvseries #短劇#女神劇場#ChineseDrama#tvshow#Chinese skits#Short Films …


  1. This is a great reborn/revenge-plot story with great actors and an interesting storyline. I like that in this version of the usual “After rebirth I take revenge…”-story, ML finds out FL’s true identity early on and supports her in her revenge. Their backstory is quite sweet and the drama/angst is very limited.


    FL, who is an entertainment agent, is betrayed by her BF (2ML) and client/star (2FL) who torture and kills her. She is then somehow reborn in the body of the eldest daughter of a wealthy family, who has recently been in a car accident and died.

    Since she is now in a new body, she decides to embrace that and deal with the family issues of her new identity while dealing with the family business. She also attends her own funeral where she meets a man (ML) who seems to know her, but she doesn’t recognize. It doesn’t take long for her to be entangled with this man who seems to be suspicious of her identity.

    Well, this has a very happy ending.

  2. 丁曉又演重生劇,有人嫌她不夠漂亮, 嫌她老, 可是我就看她很順眼😂 她之前那部“秦爺的心尖尖”太棒了, 無法打敗, 超喜歡她跟劉博洋的搭配❤❤❤跟馬明宇比較沒有甚麼cp感

  3. That “film actress”s fake eyelashes looks REALLY FAKE.
    But I do love the story. From beginning to end, there were no lies, there was complete trust between the female lead and the male leAd. Her being REBORN was even out in the open. There was no unnecessary physical and emotional abuse. A very good movie. I felt happy after watching it.
    My sincere thanks to the actors, the production crew and the directors.
    But not being Chinese, I just could not understand how the mistress is installed in the house with the wife… this is really weird….

  4. If there is one thing we learn in these dramas is that d men even d ex like sexy looking ladies n they need to be active ladies 😀 cause all d ex like d spicy girls! For this drama halfway in n i am bored even tho it has a strong fl n fast paced ,story is boring n there isnt any chemistry between leads to make u feel anything, also ml has no charisma or anything not even looks..dont think i will watch anymore

  5. Does anyone know the name of the actors and actresses, or even the name of this??
    The "Star actress" I've seen her in several of this videos (recap of some sort?), and I want to know her name, please…

  6. Ganó con el nuevo novio, ganó con la nueva vida, y el alma cambio de una buena persona al cuerpo de alguien no tan bueno, jugaba con los sentimientos de dos hombres el cuñado y el psicópata encapuchado y este mató a su hermano, quizás ella tenía algo de culpa y por eso su alma merecía morir.

  7. 1:07:47 I know he's the second lead and technically a bad guy, but I fell for Pang Renjie here 😍 because while the ML couldn't do anything, he saved the FL. They don't really do much with this character, but he had every potential to be such a badass. Sad he ends up a villain in the end. Would love a proper drama with a "mafia prince" maybe going against his dad and dad's mistress to save the FL or something.

  8. I really hate how in these dramas the mistresses and their offspring are just so self-entitled like the world owes them a favour, as if they don't even realise the shady shit that went on to get them to where they are now. Breaking up peoples' families is not an admirable trait. They deserve all the hassle and trouble they bring themselves.

    Even the dad to a certain extent, it's his own fault for falling for that awful woman and certainly for having the absolute gall to bring them back to the marital home while the legal wife is still living there!!

  9. Look forward to more dramas from this group of actors & actresses. There are so many hilarious scenes although it’s quite a heavy with all the schemes and twisted plots drama. ❤Laughing too much.😂 scriptwriters, directors, production well done! ❤

  10. Now that's harsh. They switched bodies. The one with the car accident lays in the hospital trapped in the body from the Fl and the Fl who supposed to be killed took over the body from the female that had a car accident. The good part is the Fl took revenge for herself and the one who's trapped in her body. The sad part. The one in the hospital bed is trapped in a body that belongs to the Fl and that body will never wake up. That's if I understood it correctly.

  11. Perfect script. Good acting. Revenge & couple chemistry is very satisfying. Leads didn't fall into any traps. No misunderstandings. No 3rd person entanglement between leads. Even reincarnation is reasonable.

  12. Pelakor atau perusak rumah tangga itu terlalu menjijikan …. cara bicara atau cara berjalan iiiih jijik aku liatnya 😡 pengin di bungkus buang di tong sampah

  13. 為了丁曉來看看~劇情一般吧


  14. So this one turned out to be a bit boring. Maybe it was the missing on screen chemistry of the lead couple. The ML actor, though handsome, wore the same expression for the entire drama. The FL actress carried the show, well done!

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