Schumer introduces cannabis banking bill

Senator Chuck Schumer has introduced a new bill that aims to allow legal cannabis operations to use federal banks just like all …


  1. Suspect that there's political money in this "game play" somewhere.

    Business as usual.

    ((or don't suspect it))
    (whatever floats yer boat)

  2. People dont realize hahaha…. weed is already legal in about 46 states, you can order thca flower and dabs online wich is literally just normal weed because all thc is non psychoactive until burned/ the unburned being thca and when you take an unburned bud it only has thca… hahah trump made almost all cannabinoids legal federally but all of these old people dont realize.. but us young people are stocking up while its legal

  3. Its a plant and since it is a plant ,there should be no restrictions on allowing people to grow this oal t for themselves in their homes .Legalize the fkn thing already ,and stop thinking you can conteol everything in this planet .Assholes i swear

  4. Then the banks and the governments will seize those deposits because of federally its still illegal.Dont trust the banks and i sure dont trust the fkn government.

  5. NY in the 80s = Full of personality. But crime and sleaziness runs rampant.

    NY in the 90s = City begins to heal and fight back against crime. Quality of life improves.

    NY in the 00s = 9/11 and a decade of “brotherhood”. City is peaceful and and coping. United to rebuild downtown and drive tourism back.

    NY in 10s = City continues to thrive early in the decade. However cost of living worsens. A more divisive mayor is elected. A shift to creating a city that empowers residents (via economic and social rights) and their belonging to their city is narrated. The NY penal code is re-examined for lesser criminal offenses and to balance the budget.

    NY in the 20s = Pandemic occurs. City shuts down for nearly 2 years. Businesses leave Manhattan. Cost of living continues to rise. Crime increasing. So called civil rights activists take march. Violent riots occur. New mayor takes charge. NYS finds ways to use recreation drugs to fill in revenue gaps. There is an ongoing exodus from NYC. Illegal migrants enter NYC.

  6. Schumer is such a joke always introducing a bill that have nothing to do with anything but yet still ignoring the bills he should introduce like for illegal immigration and crime in nyc. I don’t know how this guy keeps getting voted back to the senate

  7. Schumer should legalize it nationwide thats not fair that i got to travel across state lines to get better thats a bunch of hog wash, what could it hurt, Alcohol sure is legal, and it nakes u crash ut vehicle, weed dosent unless ur a idiot and dont know how to drive in the first place

  8. I urge you to read the propaganda document the REPUBLICANS signed and sent to the DEA on 9/11/2023.

    Dear Administrator Milgram, We write to urge the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to reject any petition or request to remove marijuana from Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Any effort to reschedule marijuana should be based on proven facts and science- not popular opinion, changes in state laws, or the preferred policy of an administration.

    The CSA lists five categories of controlled substances that correspond with the restriction level placed on specific drugs. Schedule I drugs have a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use, and a lack of accepted safety under medical supervision.1 We are concerned by the recent reports that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has recommended that DEA reclassify marijuana as a Schedule III drug.

    Current research, science, and trends support the case that marijuana should remain a Schedule I drug. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), research suggests that 30% of marijuana users have marijuana use disorder, which includes individuals who are severely addicted to the drug.2 The amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in marijuana has consistently increased in recent years. It is estimated that today’s marijuana has three times the amount of THC compared to the marijuana consumed 25 years ago. A higher concentration of THC is likely linked to higher rates of addiction.3 These facts indicate that marijuana has a high potential for abuse and that the risk is only increasing.

    Marijuana also does not have a currently accepted medical use. The FDA has approved one marijuana-derived drug and three synthetic marijuana-related drugs.4 The crucial distinction is that these drugs are not the marijuana products that individuals inhale or consume to become intoxicated. Rather, they are made from derivatives and related compounds that are very different from the marijuana found in dispensaries across the United States. For example, the FDA-approved drug Epidiolex is used to treat seizures and contains marijuana-derived CBD.

    This drug does not cause intoxication and does not contain THC, which is the psychoactive component of marijuana.5 The FDA has never approved marijuana as a treatment for any disease or condition.

    Marijuana also lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision, since marijuana is not an FDA-approved drug. In 2016, DEA rejected two petitions to reschedule marijuana. The rejection letter stated, “At this time, the known risks of marijuana use have not been shown to be outweighed by specific benefits in well-controlled clinical trials that scientifically evaluate safety and efficacy.”6 We believe this analysis is still true today. In fact, HHS recommended at the time that DEA reject these petitions and that marijuana remain in Schedule I.

    The known facts about marijuana have not changed since 2016. If anything, the situation has only gotten worse. A recent study published in the American Academy of Pediatrics found that marijuana edible ingestions in children six and under increased by 1375.0% between 2017 and 2021.7 A recent New York Times article explored the negative effects marijuana has on teenagers. It stated that “In addition to uncontrollable vomiting and addiction, adolescents who frequently use high doses of cannabis may also experience psychosis that could possibly lead to a lifelong psychiatric disorder, an increased likelihood of developing depression and suicidal ideation, changes in brain anatomy and connectivity and poor memory.”

    It is irresponsible for HHS to recommend that marijuana be removed from Schedule I. It would also be irresponsible for DEA to act on this recommendation. Our country relies on DEA to enforce our nation’s drug laws. We ask you to uphold your mission by rejecting any effort to remove marijuana from Schedule I.


    (Republican) James Lankford

    (Republican) Pete Sessions

    (Republican) M. Michael Rounds

    (Republican) Chuck Edwards

    (Republican) James E. Risch

    (Republican) Robert B. Aderholt

    (Republican) Marsha Blackburn

    (Republican) Hal Rogers

    (Republican) Mike Crapo

    (Republican) Earl L. “Buddy” Carter

    (Republican) Ted Budd

    (Republican) Andy Biggs

    (Republican) Markwayne Mullin

    (Republican) Tom Cotton


  9. Let's make Alcohol and Tobacco into DEA Schedule 1 substances, and keep it pegged to the illegal status of cannabis.

    Alcohol and Tobacco are far more harmful, so they deserve to at least be on par with the law prohibiting cannabis.

    See how people react if they do this.

  10. Republicans are doing everything they can to fight it.
    GOP doesn't want legal cannabis because it will destroy their profit off running their personal TAX-FREE black-market drug cartels.
    GOP are making threats to voters in NC and sending propaganda to the DEA.

  11. (When you live in a Apartment Complex who borrowed money from the U.S.Government or got a grant, No One may use or possess Medical Marijuana. Not even gummies.) Copy Paste: The use of marijuana is also prohibited. Under federal law, specifically the Control Substance Act (CSA), marijuana is still categorized as Schedule I substance. This means under federal law, the manufacture, distribution, or possession of marijuana its strictly prohibited. Violation. of any federal drug laws governing the use, possessions, sale, manufacturing and distribution marijuana, regardless of state or local laws. So long as the use, possession, sale manufacturing and distribution of marijuana remains a violation of federal law and lease contract.

  12. "- and bring a lot of money into the cannabis business." BRING?! More like, prevent cops from colluding with federal agents to seize it while the cash is being transported via armored car as a civil asset forfeiture. Now these businesses can actually accept plastic at the register and deposit it wirelessly.

  13. All I wanna say is if and when weed does get completely legalized everyone should respect people rules if they don't want you smoking on private property you shouldn't

  14. F*ck the god-d#mn banking bill.. . just anything to keep the we ed in the hands of the white man and keep the money in the hands of the white man, and you guessed it, just anything to 'preserve the white p#nis'; keep weed illegal

  15. What is alarming are the new studies coming out about dementia, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder emerging from long term use. Now I don't drink and would never use drugs but I am pretty sure the point of life is not to be high all the time. I have been around people that are high everyday and they are not even there. They are somewhere else. Really sad. Who will take care of them if they do get sick???

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