Female Veteran Dealing with Pain | Cannabis & CBD

Welcome or welcome back to another video! In this weeks video, it’s a like a talking… I’m filling you guys in on a few things about …


  1. So many people are making excuses to use drugs. I'm a retired veteran with 3 combat tours to Iraq, and I'm 100% disabled. I can easily obtain legal marijuana and a plethora of other 'pain meds,' but I know better. In a very dire straight and hospice-like situation, I might consider it, but I'll fight tooth and nail to remain sober and not use drugs and/or alcohol as crutches. NOT making excuses allowed me to retire at 41 on a 6 figure income. Too many of us are afraid to confront life.

  2. Well you know being in the military and weed don’t mix. They will kick you out for that.
    Okay that explains everything wow 😮they gave you 90%, you go head lady lol. Mind
    you, you will probably be harassed here and there for it, so just beware. I am just
    learning about your story. I did 21 years in the same branch and I don’t get that much lol.
    Wow I see the Ti’s are still asholes. Not surprised. Mondelo you f head.
    With over 11 years in, did you make it to staff sergeant? lol

  3. Try a raw food diet. The reason you're in so much pain, unable to sleep, migraines is because your body is fighting against itself. You're acidic. What do you have to lose? You're killing your lungs with vaping and smoking. But most of all, pray and ask God to take away what's most bothering you. I'm praying for you. You deserve so much more out of life. 🙏

  4. I deal with chronic pain spinal stenosis cervical and lumbar,,pinch nerves, fibromyalgia, currently recovering from total hip replacement and I only turned 51 last week.. and have ptsd. I'm a nurse and even if it's prescribed I'm not allowed to even do cbd,, I hate taking pain pills but as long as I'm practicing I can't indulge,, I hate it. Hugs, catching up to your journey ♡

  5. and about 2016 is when i left fort Bragg NC as a simple Contractor worker,,,but I loved it didnt wanna leave but had a career with the state of nc as a state worker and when leaving the state you have 5 yrs to return or lose your prior time,,,so had to get back but military contractor lot of the G.S Loved me kinda treated me like G.S. lol i initially had intentions to get into Threat Accessments which moved to Popr Airforce base,,again only as a contractor non military i got my foot in the door and networking came to me ,,i had lot of commanders over contractors always asking me how was it i was well known i had to explain when i was state I was drivers license which also was on base lots remembered me,,,even in civilian world they really knew me ,,i had calls personally to my office all over base like i was a star of somethign couldnt walk down the halls of soldier support ctr without being stopped and yep again onlya contract worker lol

  6. Sup Brittany! i was searching your voideos and elt me say dang sis! lol you straight veteran at this this video is 2 yrs old,,,,,who knew lol kno i didnt i thought you were new to this but i was supah wrong,,,,,smh guess what caught my eye on this video was the CBD Cannibis in the title,,,,i too am a proud user but i use it in tincture or oil form,,,,stuffs incredible,,,im in nc and too many beauracrats involved at not approving so im in a non approving state nc unlike other states,,,,i cant wait for it to get pushed to approved,,,i will manufacture my own meaning tincture form to oil,,,i wont smoke it jus my prefrence,,,yes this stuff does work,,,,,i also sincce my last surgery or injury in 2017 right rotatorcuff total detached surgery long recovery out of work jus with this injury also injured my lower back which they tried to write off ignor but turned out it was worst than they thought this is what removed me from work since 2020 totally ,,,nope not disability yet actually i dont want it i can retire from state nope never had military,,,although did hear you say you were airforce military,,,have you ever been stationed at pope next to ft bragg less than 20 min from my home here in nc i did get a contract position at bragg in out processing lucked up got secret clearance yep even as a civilian they liked me took to me i knew nothing about military so i got drilled for like a yr before got my own office worked direct with retiring ets school soldiers pcs etc learned alot ,,,,may go back if i retire from state,,,anyway about the cannibis thing yep um sold jus like you,,,love talkn this stuff,,,chronic insomnia is crutial and i jus like you dont believe in the med things but its what the entire pharmicuticleindustry is all about ,,i refuse and doctors dont like mebecause im too out spoken research everything from google youtube john hopkins,,walter reed and others researching lol they really hate when i say yes ido research thru jarma which is the journel of american medical assoc,,, we gotta take our own health in our own hands,,,,but love this subject sis,,,again you got mileage smile didnt know you went this far back kudos you are a veteran on many levels happy travels….

  7. Before I had knee replacement surgery on my right knee, I was in extreme pain. I don’t like pain medicine (narcotics). So I had acupuncture and it relieved the pain. It didn’t happen immediately, but after a few sessions the pain did subside. So I do recommend it. The surgery was successful, so now I’m getting my left knee done soon. Thank you for your service Brittany ! 🫡 🙏🏾❤️

  8. I have been following you off and on, the best episodes I like is how far you have come through your struggles ( explaining them). The other was when that bear 🐻 came to your van. You are smart and beautiful, you would never know these struggles existed.

  9. I’m so glad I found your channel,best of wishes and thank you for your service. Cannabis needs to be legal across the country for pain management & anxiety relief.

  10. That was some serious information, you gave out today. Thank you for sharing.
    Thanks for letting us know the difference between location of your journey and the mental location of the journey, very different, very different places.

  11. We had two hour night watches and it was the worse. I recall shipmates sleep walking, crying themselves to sleep, having nightmares and wetting themselves….bootcamp takes a toll on many.

    It is imperative that veterans seek to get compensated for their time served.

  12. She's very cute seriously she looks like a lady I used to date they look exactly alike cheekbones eyes anyway be safe out there sister Keep Your Head on a swivel God bless!!

  13. From one disabled Vet (US Navy) to another, I take my hat off to you. Chronic pain in knee and still a little hesitant in the use of cannabis/CBD. I will research, but my state still has restrictions, so I got to make due (without). Best to you!

  14. hi Brittany natives Americans been doing marijuana for centuries so it is a natural herb but when you add stuff to it then that becomes not natural, so marijuana is not a bad drug it's a good drug but adding stuff to what makes it bad so if it's 100% natural it's going to help you work for your pain

  15. Lol… that pipe with the holes at the end as you are inhaling you take your finger off is called a carb it will then shoot the existing smoke in the pipe into your lungs…. coming from a 60s baby! I know a little about that …Lol was a long time before I smoked again got injured on the job over the last three years.. now permanently disabled😠 had a fall on the job Construction for 30 years straight.. was a fitness trainer as well as a martial arts instructor taught self-defense! as well as a competitive bodybuilder!!! Was tired of doctors trying to just give me medication to take being a natural bodybuilder.. that did not take steroids or do drugs for many years!
    I decided the pain was too much so I began using CBD oil what a miracle that was occasionally I will smoke all it takes is 2 hits.. for me I'm a lightweight…lol
    But it will help me sleep!. great to see a young lady such as you come online and explain all of this you are indeed a strong black woman! you go girl to have the guts to come online and discuss this as we said back in the day right on sista!!!
    I love your bubbly personality…
    A friend hear for life…O.G.theone;
    Peace for now friend!!!! 🌹🙏🌹

  16. So young you do not look like you was in the military for 11 years you have to do what is best for you sweetie thumbs up I do believe that is medication for the soul and I do believe it helps my husband out a lot he is an old hippie not for me I tried one time but I do believe it does help I know it helps him Really do believe that is the best medicine for a lot of people I know it is for my husband we love you and take care and be safe

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