CBD Orally, Inhaled, Under the Tongue, or Topical? Best Way To Take CBD? Doctor Jack Episode 7

What are the advantages and disadvantages to each of the ways to take CBD? Let us find out in this video! For more details on …


  1. Hey doc, just found your videos and want to thank you for the info you are sharing! My question is, I'm taking CBD oil sublingualy at present to dull osteo-arthritis pain but, I also use a CPAP machine for COSA and was wondering if adding it to the water in the humidifier would be an effective delivery method?

  2. I tried CBD tincture, under my tongue, for the first time last night, and today I have a sore throat. Coincidence, or could the CBD have been the cause and why? I used an organic brand that posts its lab results, and the labs look good.

  3. Thank you for your time and the awesome information Dr. Jack. God bless you. I have purchased gummy's that claim to have 25 mg a full spectrum CBD. I plan to use them for my anxiety. I have read that 300 mg is the range for which it may actually be beneficial for anxiety? That's a lot of gummy's 😳

    Also I purchased my marijuana license prematurely as I do not like the THC affect and have a sublingual nano tincture with 27.040 mg of THC. 8:1 ratio. Is that enough THC to get you high what is the range I should stay under if I don't want to be? 🙏

  4. Hey doctor Jack , I’ve been watching your videos a lot … I have couple question I really need help with ..I recently started green compass cbd gummies and cbda , I have a fatty liver and I had a routine blood work and my liver enzymes was up slightly , my doctor couldn’t point that it was the cbd bringing it up because I have a fatty liver , but cbd has change my mental and physical health a lot especially my anxiety, and I don’t wanna stop cbd , and my doctor isn’t really educated on cbd , so what do you think is the best way of me taking it or should I continue too take it ?

  5. Just a little addition to the CBD inhalation method. There are devices that will heat CBD cannabis plant material to below combustion temperatures. I presently own and use six different styles of these thermal extraction devices. Most of them you don't even need to grind the nugs. Many of them are very cost efficient when compared to smoking or CBD vape cartridges. I also make my own coconut oil-CBD cannabis edible for oral dosing. It is much more economical than commercial oral preparations.

  6. Thank you, Dr. 🙌🏼 For those in similar boats: I use CBD drops (full spectrum, organic, hemp-based). Thankfully, I have found a Swiss source at 4000mg/mL, so there is very little to hold under the tongue. (Usually held for a good 15 minutes.) To help global daily joint and spine pains (ANCA-related), and because most all painkillers are not an option (ANCA ate kidneys + severe and reactive brainstem migraines), CBD is a BLESSING; a quality-of-life saver. It takes about 100mgs 2-3x/day to be perpendicular. Expensive, but I’m worth it and here in THC-challenged France, it’s thankfully not illegal.

  7. Thank you, Dr. 🙌🏼 For those in similar boats: I use CBD drops (full spectrum, organic, hemp-based). Thankfully, I have found a Swiss source at 4000mg/mL, so there is very little to hold under the tongue. (Usually held for a good 15 minutes.) To help global daily joint and spine pains (ANCA-related), and because most all painkillers are not an option (ANCA ate kidneys + severe and reactive brainstem migraines), CBD is a BLESSING; a quality-of-life saver. It takes about 100mgs 2-3x/day to be perpendicular. Expensive, but I’m worth it and here in THC-challenged France, it’s thankfully not illegal.

  8. Hi Doctor Jack, what about water dissolvable CBD-in-water nanoemulsions? I've achieved less than 200nm droplet dispersions of CBD and GRAS surfactant in distilled water 0.10% CBD/wgt mL, up to 80% bioavailability within 15 minutes on average from blood tests of 90 participants (30 took 10mg water soluble orally, 30 oil sublingual, 30 placebo). Very fast entry to the bloodstream and endocannabinoid system with the nanoemulsion delivery system! The reviews I get are incredible, oils, tinctures and sublinguals are snake oil in comparison!

  9. Sublingual has never worked that well for me. I always hold it for over a minute, mouth open to avoid saliva build up. I have used up to 1000mg in 30 ml container.Oral works very well although admittedly I have to use a lot.

    I just don’t know why

  10. I am very new to CBD use. For about a month I have used a 750(total) mg broad spectrum cbd capsule (25mg per capsule) form. I am interested in trying cbd oil sublingually next and have not seen my question answered anywhere else…here it is—-when switching to an oil that I take sublingually will a lower dose make sense as it seems that I might require a smaller dosage sublingually than I would have needed in capsule form? Thank you so much!

  11. I am so grateful to Dr.Rick Simpson for providing me with Hemp oil here in the United State of America.this is the Email[cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com] I was diagnose with cancer of the lungs 8 months ago, and ever since then i have done a lot of Chemo and Radiation that have not helped issues, but only damaged my immune system and frustrated me. I came across the Phoenix Tears and i have read about the Hemp oil a lot and saw the Post that Dr. Rick Simpson could provide me with Hemp Oil i contact him on;cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com for the procurement of this medication,the medication was procured and delivered within 2 days and i have been on treatment for the past 3 months.I am here to let every one know that am no longer a cancer patient, I have experience a total change in my health, with Dr. Rick Simpson Hemp oil service. for all cancer patient that live in the America region and Europe at large, get your Hemp oil from Dr. Rick Simpson at: cannabisoilcancercure@gmail.com

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