Best Costochondritis Self-Treatment, No Meds. STOP Alarming Chest Pain!

Best Costochondritis Self-Treatment, No Meds. STOP Alarming Chest Pain! Youtube Channel: …


  1. Hi Sir,
    I am from India.
    I wanted to share a case of a boy who's 17 years old. The Height of him is 6'3" and the weight is 107kg. He has been suffering from the chest pain, as sharp, stabbing pain on the left side of the's been a year since the pain has increased. The chest pain portion is kinda swell redness as such but it's swell, and really warmer at that particular pain spot. The Dr. is not able to diagnose.
    Please suggest me and help us out.


  2. I was trying to water surf … I tried getting up 3 x 4th time I felt a POP … dropped rope & gave up. It’s been 2 weeks and the pain is bad. I can’t sneeze or cough or take deep breaths /: I was out of town when it happened. I had a PetScan scheduled when I returned & told the tech about what happened ! I’m hoping the PetScan will show if I have a problem … I’m 71 & I really wanted to surf 🏄‍♀️… I guess those days are over !!

  3. holy… i just used a volleyball sized sand filled rubber medicine ball. Was following the foam roller directions and it wasnt working but it was riiiiight there. Then you said to lift your arms and the second i lifted them up there was a huge crack and i feel amazing. no more chest pain. thank you!!!

  4. After years of having this pain. Finally was diagnosed with costochobritis. But my doctor also wants to diagnose me with fibromyalgia. I am going to try this pressure exercise. Thank you

  5. What I have is almost like a burning and radiating pain right in my sternum area and in the same area in the back. I’ve tried Prilosec, Tums, ibuprofen… idk what’s really causing it. I just call it sternum pain. It’s all consuming and radiating pain and it’s been off and on for years 10:53 but lately it’s been very frequent. Pretty much every day 😢

  6. I’ve fought this off and on since the ‘80’s. Even though I know what it is now, I still have a panic attack when it flares up after months of no issues. I tried this this morning after a night of no sleep due to spasms and anxiety. Within minutes, the spasms either went away or I don’t notice them. If this works routinely, I will nominate y’all for what ever award is available. I only wish I knew what the initial trigger activity is.

  7. Save your $80! Take two tennis balls and put them in a sock. Tie the end of the sock so the balls are neatly side by side. I use a heavy duty rubber band. Voila! Your massage tool. 🙂

  8. Thanku for this video.
    just now bought the back pod .
    Hoping it helps my chostoconditis that I’ve been suffering for 6 months now
    Bob and Brad advice is always the best – no need to see other videos 🙂

  9. I get banding pain that is 10/10 like labor pain —burns and stabs from my back in my breasts into my sternum. I’ve had x rays that are normal. This happens after I do any physical activity. It’s extremely painful and absolutely scary.

  10. I had an EKG and chest X-rays done yesterday. I was pretty sure it wasn’t my heart, but I’m 42 so I could see the doctor’s concern. In the past, I’d have it and it would go away in a day or so. It’s been 2 weeks. The deep breath pain has pretty much stopped. Mine is barely to the left of center chest and only hurts when I’m making certain movements. Unfortunately for me, I’m a railroader and I have to do the movements. I don’t think mine will ever go away.

  11. I doubt I'll get a response since this video is 2 years old, but I'm soon to be 32yo.

    I had sharps electrical shock pain 9 on pain scaled 2in above my elbow down to my wrist the pain was random with no warning. Immediately after the pain went away my whole left arm down to finger tips went numb. I could still weight bare fine, but I still checked for stroke symptoms nothing seen. My neck on the right mid way up to skull base was dully painful throbbing and sensations of numbness. Then the top of my skull was numb which freaked me out.

    I ended up going to the ER because the nurse thought of a possibility i had a heart attack.

    No heart attack no stroke.

    The MD felt my neck then touched on my left shoulder meeting my neck and it HURT he said he is pretty sure somethings up with my neck and I need an MRI.

    I looked in the mirror and noticed that my right shoulder/ arm was lower at a resting standing up position..

    I am sure part of it has to do with posture from looking at my phone so much.
    The other factor I think was back in my early 20s the MRI I had showed a reversal in the lordosis.

    But I'm speculating.. I just want to know for certain what this is as it is truly anxiety proviking to think I'm having a heart attack..

    Bob and Brad if you don't already have a video on it, but if not I would greatly appreciate your guys input it would be a super awesome!

    I just wish I knew what this could be..

  12. I've literally been to a and e about 20 times since I was 23. I'm 29 now and it's still killing me. Ekg chest xrays you name I've had it.. My heart is fine.
    I've tried all exercises all treatments and I'm still in pain. The worst thing of all it's causes anxiety and panic attacks. It's hell. All I wanna do is to be able to train again and enjoy life. Next step is stem cell treatment

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