7 Things to Never Say to Your Vet

Dr Jones’ Free Book… There are some things that you should not be saying to your ‘regular’ …


  1. I truly appreciate my vet office, they are really great, friendly, professional, except one, who I refuse to see, but with 8 vets there is bound to be one. Anyway, several years ago our perfectly healthy, young, Chow Husky mix went in and thinking I was doing something good he got his 3 year rabies booster, lepto, and whatever other boosters they recommended, along with an oral flea control, not Trifexis, but the other one. Within a week he had a cold, and in another week he was lame in one back joint, which I attributed to an injury because he was super athletic. Within another two weeks he was moving like an old man, in obvious pain, grouchy, where he formerly had the sunniest disposition you can imagine, and was generally very sick. It took about three years and about 3,000 dollars in diagnostics and medicine before he was restored to relative health. He also had an infrequent seizure disorder that preceded this. So we put him on gabapentin, sort of a dual approach to treating pain and hoping to stop the seizures. I don’t know if it helped at all, but eventually he completely lost his appetite, lost half of his luxurious coat, and finally refused his medication, and any food we could offer. We had gone camping, and he wouldn’t eat, barely drank, didn’t want to sniff the trails, and we went home early because I thought he was dying. His refusal of his medicine probably saved his life. We got him in to the vet two days later, and he had lost ten pounds from his regular weight which was his appropriate weight, and she started him on Prednisone. He quickly recovered his appetite, and zest for living, (prednisone is a wonder drug, has terrible side effects, and can ravage the body, but also can save a life), and we began the process of rebuilding his health. We might have kept him on it a little too long because now he is quite fat. We got him stable, then began tapering it down, had to go slow because of his appetite and weight . Neither Vhows nor Huskies are very good motivated breeds FYI. Anyway, after he started getting fat we tapered him off, and made the choice to put him on an actual seizure medication. I guess it has been eight months, we never get more than half his daily seizure medication into him, but he is seizure free for those months, and is slowly losing weight. He is back to his not being enthusiastic about most food, but eating ok. I have recently been grinding fresh pork with some cooked vegetables and hard boiled eggs and he has been eating that enthusiastically. I say all of that to say this. I refused any vaccines of any kind, and explained my rationale. Unfortunately our regular vet moved, and the sweet new Vet, who clearly is a new graduate, was very accepting of me saying no, although I think it put her in a bit of a spot. I told her we never determined what injured him, and I will never knowingly expose him to any of it again. Bravecto, that is the oral flea medicine. I have given Bravecto to other pets with no problem, only had one other pet, a cat, who had obvious reactions to vaccines, stopped them for him too. In my region there has not been a case of a domestic animal having rabies since 1973, and my dog rarely leaves the yard, and is never off leash if he does. So I feel very confident in my choices. But you need to be informed and give quantifiable reasons if you are going outside of “standard practice “.

  2. Yearly pet vaccines are a super rip-off. How many small pox vaccines do people normally get? Or tetanus or polio vaccines?? Most people have only had one or two at the most for their entire lives. A vaccine is supposed to stimulate an immune response/memory of the disease and the body should retain that immune response for life. Getting them jabbed each year only harms the pet and enriches the vet and the pharmaceutical industry. And now that mRNA is being widely used in vaccines has caused me to stop getting my pets jabbed. Thank-you for being honest about the vaccines. Also, I give my dogs ivermectin in the form of sheep drench for heartworm prevention. It's so much cheaper than the horribly overpriced products the vet sells. Again, a way to rake in the $$ for them and the pharmaceutical industry. Love love love your very helpful videos!!

  3. I have sprinkled a Astragalus from a capsule onto my cats food when they get the sneezies, or a cough and it does help. I know it's been a great help for me as well. Knocks out a cold or flu in two or three days instead of two or three weeks. Echinacea and all those other natural remedies did not work for me.

  4. i'm not understanding the vaccine comments he made. OK when he's dressed in green that's really him speaking and with the white coat that's the conventional vets I get that. But he said some thing about immunity being 100 times more potent than a vaccine. What immunity is he talking about?

  5. I wouldn't feed my cats raw chopped meat or chicken, but for several years I would lightly par boil whole pieces of chicken and swirling around to clean the pieces, and then put the deboned pieces into the blender with water and a piece of liver and a calcium capsule. And they did wonderful on that homemade food. I'm sure it was 1 million times better than any dry food or canned food with all the weird chemicals. And vegetables, which cats can't digest. and fattening, sickening, inflammatory Grains

  6. I'm 55 years old I have had quite a few dogs in my lifetime and none of them has ever had a vaccine and they all lived to be old and healthy except for the one that unfortunately got hit by a car. Actually I've had about three dogs that has never even step foot in a veterinarian clinic and one of them is 16 the other one is 14 and the other one is 3.

  7. New subbie and when I say you are a godsend 🙏🏽 please believe me! I just purchased unflavored Pedialyte, famotidine tablets (10mg), and arsenicum and slippery elm is on the way so thank you!!!!!!!!❤. I'm a holistic health and beauty girl already so your holistic approach is refreshing and greatly needed!

  8. Cytapoint Vaccine killed my dog!!! It’s a NEW VACCINE!!!! Do they have MRNA’s in them like Covid???? Hours after the shot she was on her way to death…..he couldn’t help her and i had to have her put down,,, she was 18 yrs old and lived 7 years on Heart med Vetmedin and Lasik,,,, She seized and gradually got paralyzed before i took her in for euthanasia,,,, MY BABY!!!! What say you to that Doctor????? Please Pm me and let me know your opinion on Cytopoint shot and all i just told you. Please.

  9. To the @$$hole who says vet should do this for free out of love for animals.. i would ask, so you cut hair/fix cars/drive truck/clean houses/ do accounting/..fill in blanks…for free out of passion?

  10. New puppy parent here..totally enjoying your videos. He's not my first dog, but boy have things changed over the years. Thank you Doc for all your videos. Not pumping him with vaccines every year, making your food recipe ( he loves it) and keeping him healthy naturally.

  11. OMG my dogs been on all of these from so called allergies and infections… time and time again with antibiotics…. and currently on Prednisone. With all the side effects and want me to continue… They prescribed so many things and that gross dog food which makes him so so so much worse. I hate going to vets. I feel like I'm failing my dog. I cook his food and I try to avoid vaccines. I choose not to give heart worm and or nexgaurd anymore but I used to and they'd throw up.. I try so hard to advocate for him. I'm trying so hard to help him with feeding healthy whole foods.

  12. Argh! I thought the relationship between Pet parent and Vet was supposed to be one of honesty especially if there’s an unwet pet involved. I asked my Vet regarding a Ketogenic diet for my epileptic Australian Shepherd and she rubbished it saying there aren’t any concrete studies to show it helps. I was totally dumbfounded. In the past they have also sho shoo’ed raw feeding , Alternative therapies just like you mention in your video. I wish there were more Vets like you in this world. We feel so unsupported at this time 😞

  13. Except for EMERGENCIES or end of life assistance, I DO NOT USE Veterinarians.. I give my furkids their puppy vaccine, FEED them NATURAL FOODS and. My chihuahu lived to 18 and my cats never vaccinated lived to ages 26, 24 & 23.. Natural only for me and my furkids..

  14. I had a wonderful Labrador so allergic to everything including vaccines. My vet was great and made sure she had antihistamines prior to getting the vaccines. She was only with me for 11-1/2 years but we worked to for the health and comfort of my dog.

  15. Hi there. I have a question if you would please😊My dog is a husky mix and he didn’t shed this spring and hasn’t get this fall… not normal for him. Any ideas why? Thank you😊

  16. This video is a great example of where 'indexing' or chapters would be make this easier to watch.
    You show quite a hypocrital attitude here. You do not like anyone using YouTube (the internet) to learn about what might be wrong – so YOU can have the only opinion – and charge heavily for it? No thank you. I research everything I can about my pets on YouTube – FIRST. I have Unsubscribed.

  17. With number one I see one problem, at least here in Europe, vets get a good incentive to sell their clients 'very good diets' like royal canin, hills and such. And no vet, no matter how many years they studied, will convince me that crappy food containing grain and SUGAR!! is good for my pet. There's zero need to give your pets sugar, it's just as unhealthy for them as for us. And to any vet who recommends any of those brands to me I feel like they earned my rant on pet food containing sugar..

  18. All my dogs got their puppy vaccines & boosters. State law requires regular rabies but none of them got any additional vaccinations. They lived 15-17 years.

  19. There is nothing clients shouldn’t address to their service providers. 😑 Good vets discuss and understand clients' concerns.
    The Rabies vaccine is required to protect humans but not animals.

  20. My vet constantly asks what I feed. I had to start lying because I feed grain free but have done extensive research on the topic. She is stuck on the ancient view of that study that said it could cause cardio issue and has not kept up on recent findings. That paper even said there was a possible “correlation “ of 7% risk but on grain food the correlation to cancer is 30%. How is grain free bad? It is just so frustrating because she asks every time.

  21. My cat lived for 20 years. Although she was an indoor cat there were times when she did get out accidentally, mainly when I walked in the door and she managed to get by me,. Because of this I made sure she got vaccinated for rabies, feline distemper and feline leukemia. She never had any bad effects from the vaccines and my vet did go through the possible side effects and risks of the vaccines.

  22. I cannot thank you enough for being so upfront and honest with people about how things really work in the vet world. I have learned so much from watching your channel and I tell everyone I know how wonderful your videos are. Thank you with all my heart.

  23. Too late..lol. Just kidding but I don't use pesticides on my pets and I don't let them over vaccinate my dogs..I also don't let them vax a pet that may have an illness!!..Ive seen honest vets and vets that want to argue w me..I don't take my pups to a vet unless absolutely necessary ..lol I love all 10 of my chis and my oldest is 15 .Ty for the video .

  24. NOPE!! No vax for my doggies EVER! I’ve never done that and my dogs have all lived long, healthy lives! Just put my 19 yr old chihuahua down in Feb. DONT VAX YOUR PETS IF THEYRE INDOOR PETS….PLEASE!

  25. Ha! I’m a human RN for over 30 years and I love it when patients tell me all the things they know about healthcare! Love their ideas the debunk proven treatments and interventions. You do you homie, but don’t drag you animals into your delusions. Pro-science all the way, baby! 🐶🐱

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