New Treatment Options for Epilepsy

Kathryn Davis, MD, MTR Penn Epilepsy Center Between new treatments, medications and medical marijuana, there are a lot of …


  1. Let get to know more about getting cured with herbs I was completely cured with help of Dr Ogie on YouTube his herbal medicine is the best I will forever be grateful doc✋✋

  2. Let get to know more about getting cured with herbs I was completely cured with help of Dr Ogie on YouTube his herbal medicine is the best I will forever be grateful doc✋✋

  3. I was born with epilepsy and cerebral palsy. I have a twin brother, i was born first. My brother was born with no problems. I take phenytoin for my epilepsy, as a child I was on phenabarbatone, then at 14 i was put on Epilim 500mg. Which caused me to gain lots of weight. I went to live in Canada for a few years where I was taken off eperlim & switched to phenytoin. Which I still take today. As a child I had grand mal seizures, which doctors said I would grow out of. Which I did, but I now have petit mal. It' feels weird when I have it, i can hear all thats going on around me, but ppl and any noise, sound much louder, plus it feels like I'm floating on water. Before the seizure I get the smell like burnt toast. I can have a seizure at any time, night or day. Unpredictable. I feel a little confused when I come round, which lasts for a couple of minutes, then I'm back with you again. Usually a cup of tea helps me recover. I read a lot of blogs where people who shared their testimonies kept mentioning Anti-seizure Herbal medication. I searched for a website I just followed the email address of Doctor Patrick that was shared on these testimonies; I got lucky when I got a reply from Dr. Patrick. I followed his instruction, used Herbal Medicine in less than 2 months, I was already cure because of the changes I was seeing. Within a period of 5 months, I was cured totally forever. I went back to my neurologist, I was checked up and marked epilepsy free. If you need his help you can Contact this herbal doctor via his email and WhatsApp connection is +2348102558553 for help,

  4. To one and all, I have two adult children with psychiatric problems!! My son has rapid fluctuating bipolar disorder!! He rages near constantly and he is as mean as a person can be!! I gave him a 30 day supply of CBD oil!! And for 30 days we had a normal son! There was no raging! And he spoke with low even monotones if he spoke at all!! My daughter has endured a lifelong battle with an undiagnosed progressive degenerative muscle disease! she has lost her ability to speak and walk and in early 2017 she asked for a feeding tube because she can no longer chew and swallow!! There has been severe depression and or psychosis and several hospitalizations! And of all the medicines ever given to her none of it ever worked!!!!!!! NEVER!!!!!!! I gave my daughter her first dose of CBD oil and here are a few quotes from her after 1 1/2 hours!! "Daddy I feel very calm and finally my racing thoughts have ceased" & "it feels good to feel good in my mind again" & "it feels good to be able to think" lastly, "nothing they have ever given me has made me feel this well!!! I beg you all to share this with someone do not keep this information to yourself additional marijuana I'm convinced it's going to become a universal medicine!!

  5. Good lecture. I have a question? The side effects of CBD Marwana you mentioned. Is it going to affect people even they use a little for epilepsy reason. Or it affect only people who r using it all time.

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