An Interesting Twist On How to Make Habits Stick

Develop a healthy habit and make it stick in just about one day!! Create other habits just by adding them to your everyday tasks!


  1. You are absolutely amazing, I found your workouts so long ago and feel in love with your insights! You are a very inspiring person, after doing your workouts I went searching for you online! I’m a big fan and sincerely grateful for you and your videos!

  2. Ok the algorithm came up when I first found you and I used to workout to your turbojam videos when I was younger. Now I’m premenopausal and looking to change my habits and started weightlifting over the weekend. Which has been a challenge for me. Couldn’t get motivated to start it and then as I always seem to do got sick next day, sore throat, terrible allergies (sneezing multiple times), and sinus symptoms (seizure pressure in my face and horrible headache). So I had to skip a day and started again yesterday then yesterday afternoon before going to work on evening, bent over to do something and pulled a muscle in my back which made the rest of day super uncomfortable. So ? I want to workout everyday to keep the habit up but is it better to do every other day to lose fat and build muscle? Oh and I’m 42 going on 43 and perimenopausal. So thank you thank you thank you for ALL YOUR HELP AND VIDEOS! ❤😘❤️

  3. A video of yours just popped up yesterday and have watched couple more since then. I like the content but another key reason I am watching is that I am not a native English speaker and I am trying to improve my English. Your way of delivering is very expressive and I have this terrible habit of speaking in a monotone even in my native language, so trying to improve my delivery too as it will help me communicate better at work. I also watch videos from JJ Virgin(nutritionist) and I find them great too.

    Wish you the best and of course I subscribed yesterday

  4. Re water and travel, get a Camelbak. They lay nice under other bags and you can fill with ice at stops. The ice will melt and you’ll have an extra source of water. You’ll have to empty for airport security.

  5. Hi, I have ADHD and your videos popped on my feed because I'm looking for tips on self development and wealth building….Your information is helping me. I've already subscribed after running into the mindset money video. You rock!!!!❤

  6. I've never been diagnosed ADHD/ADD, but this sure explains a lot! Can't stand anyone else's clutter, but need mine. No matter how many times I organize my breakfast area (at a computer desk) I still have to have all my medicines lined up in front of keyboard drawer so I don't forget any. I tried having some next to coffee maker, but I'd get too distracted making coffee and forget. When I worked, my coworkers thought I was odd because, if I had leftovers in the fridge to take home, I'd put my car keys on the fridge – only way I'd remember. I have managed to train myself to "take a last look". It started just when parking: I realized one reason we have trouble finding our vehicle when we leave the store is because we only look to the building we're going in and not back out into the parking lot like when we are leaving. Now I do it everywhere.

    One thing to remember is "bad habits stack too." My husband and I watch TV together in the afternoon, and snacking in the recliner has become a habit. I moved to the couch, and even though the tv trigger was still there, it didn't take long for my brain to pick up the new pattern of not eating while watching tv.

  7. I know at least 2 more ppl that can benefit from this video. So I’m sending it to them! Thank you!! Going to work on my list for habit stacking and visual cues right now. This made it so simple!!

  8. Omg the clutter piles is my entire life 😂 and then my husband goes and cleans up all my piles and then I get anxiety because I KNOW there were important things in those piles that now I have to remember to go find!!

  9. YouTube algorithm showed me the video about jawline. I have in looking up info on ADHD and Autism. I'm 56 and also starting to exercise. I am in a slump and I'm trying to reinvent myself. Now I'm going to watch all videos. Your information is very helpful.

  10. I was always wondering what was wrong with me… Why can't I be like everyone else around me.. One of the things I often say to people is "if it's not in my diary, it doesn't exist!" 😮 I booked a client in to see on my husband's birthday because his birthday wasn't booked in my diary, knowing his birthday didn't make a difference… I didn't see it written down so it didn't exist… Gosh.. I'll look into this…

  11. I didn’t want to watch this because my perception is that you’re so perfect and I’m so not — It would be another video that would shine a spotlight on how “not perfect” l am. Thank you so much for being honest and real and telling us that we all struggle with lots of things in life. You’re the 💣 bomb. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  12. Hi there! I just came across you this evening while looking on youtube for info on Social Security reform….I must say, I am 69 y.o. and for 65-66 years I have not had a problem with over weight or sagging skin. Covid hit and I got out of my routines, i.e. healthy eating, sleeping habits, cleaning/housework routines, etc. Menopause was not an issue, as I have always weighed 128 lbs. and stand 5'4'. Now, I look in the mirror and don't know who I see anymore. I gained 10 lbs. over this past 2 years. I have never been addicted to sugar, but now seem to be totally dependant on it on a daily basis. I really need help!! You seem to be very well grounded. I will continue to watch your tips and tricks in hopes that it will trigger something in me to begin to bring back those healthy and important habits! Thank you for taking time to help all of us stay informed. Gail M.

  13. You are a life saver! I’m newly subscribed and ADD (diagnosed at 56). My family thinks I have early dementia! Now I can educate them regarding my “memory problems “. I’ve already started implementing some of your healthy habits and now I’m truly excited for a better life (mentally and physically). Your a lovely lady and a wonderful educator.

  14. You’re great! Bought your Piyo workout, love your energy and personality. Still trying to get through the workout… years later. 😂That’s on me. Ordered a second Piyo set because the first one glued to the plastic sleeves. OMG! Lol! Someday…😉

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