VanlifePLUS Q&A LIVE STREAM – TGIF | Gettin' Lucky LIVE

Laid up in the van with some intense sciatica pain – may as well have a live stream and relax as much as we can on this Friday …


  1. Lyrica is the name brand and works on the same order as Gabapentin. But Lyrica might be more helpful than Gabapentin. Everybody likes to say it's the same thing, but it is really not and I know people that Lyrica help and Gabapentin did not. And my own father was on both Lyrica and gabapentin and they helped two different things.

  2. I've had a bad back for almost 30 yrs, here's my 2 cents,,,,
    my surgeon said there is no 100% repair on a back, no such thing as a cure!
    When the damage is done, the best you hope for is the surgery helps more than it hurts!
    Cause even surgery leaves some damage!
    So I've found the best remedy is weight control, and exercise like walking!
    When the back hurts too much to walk, exercise in water which makes your body buoyant, and taxes your back less!
    When you get a flare up, and can't exercise even in water, rest, as little movement as possible, not easy for you in a van!
    Put Amber to work, light back rubs are very relaxing!-))

  3. I KNOW your in alot of pain but please don't rush into surgery, 99 % of the time it either doesn't work or it makes it worse and then you have surgery after surgery then you get hooked on pain pills.

  4. Missed the live stream, reading the comments, boy, everyone is trying to tell you what you should do and what you should quit doing. If you did everything everyone wanted you to do you wouldn't be MATHEW, lol. Love your videos. My heart goes out to you and Penny, Stella was loved by many people and will be missed !!😢😢 ❤❤

  5. I'm not going to be another person who tells you what to try because we are all different. Just wanted to say that I really enjoy your videos and always look forward to the next one. Take care!!

  6. Ok Hey Mathew watching next day after live stream from Florida its me Penny the pool lady lol lol just hope you read this .I recently tried lozenges with 2.5 mg of thc i don't like the act if smoking have in the past alot these lozenges just literally where given to me i thought they were like breath mints lol a older lady at the pool gave them to me lol lol i actually ate one and threw 2 in the trash a week later lol she came to the pool and handed more more breath mints lol i was like wtf do i have bad breath? shes like no they are 2.5 thc and cbd im like what i thought they where breath mints last 2 weeks have been so good my mood my pain just 😎amazing if i had known they where thc i would not have ate them its such a low dose with CBD and TCH for me its PERFECT! i am singing while cooking while melting in this Florida heat ! No paranoia nothing pain free with a bulging disc and nerve damage in my neck sorry such a long message was totally worth mentioning feel better 😊

  7. I also suffer from lower back pain, for ages now and then… what helps me is this “shikatimat”. It sucks in the beginning, but once you “gr I to it, breath through the first minute” it does help (or so I think)… hope you feel better soon 🤘🏼🫶🏽

  8. 🍀🍀 I wanted to post this last night but was afraid it might get buried in Live Chat. I have and have given Mad Props to Mathew, he inspired my Channel Name! 😊 I was undecided about the name so while I was watching his videos he said “Lucky” was really his Man Fort as all OUR 🚐 have become 😆 as soon as he said that…”Chick-Fort on Wheels “ just hit me! I waited to see if he was gonna change his name, but he didn’t. Mathew gets 💯 🫵🏻 CREDIT FOR NAMING MY CHANNEL !,👍🏻💁‍♀️ Thank You 🎉 Everyone LOVES ❤ the name! And I am truly heartbroken over Stella….I had to do the same for my Kitty 🐈‍⬛ Mr.Mouse July 5,2023. He went through the same process as Stella, took almost 4 months of on and off sickness. Pets are like having a 2year old baby that NEVER GROWS UP. Especially when you spend EVERYDAY TOGETHER! Miss Stellar was a very ELEGANT LADY!😢💕🫶🏻🙋🏼‍♀️

  9. well… though I don't recommend… after falling down a flight of stairs landing on L4/L5, my herniated disk started resolving… hurt like hell at the moment though

  10. Tens machines are great. Always used one for my sciatica until it broke. 🙁 I also use a hot water bottle because the heat relaxes the muscles which tense when you get a trapped nerve and allow the nerve to release. So I think that heat can be useful for muscle relaxing although of course the cold will numb the pain. I use an ice pack for when I get headaches that painkillers don't touch and I think it's because it constricts the blood flow and cuts off the pain to give some respite. I prefer this to taking drugs that don't work and line the pockets of medical company CEOs.

  11. Hey I had no warning of your face appearing on the tube last night ! Just love you ! Best of luck with your surgery sounds like it’s necessary 😎🦋🥰

  12. And…years ago I pinched a root nerve in my lower back and could only crawl. But, with ice and muscle relaxers, it helped…BUT, what really helped, its funny but it worked…While using the bathroom, I turned my body just right to do the "business" after the "drop", I felt my back "pop". I was shocked how good it felt (the "pop", not the doing "business" LOL) so each time I "went", I would repeat the slow turning and I kept having the "pop" until I felt so good I could walk again and the root nerve was no longer pinched.

  13. Hey Matt, I missed your live but am catching up now. I found many seat cushions online that are very reasonable in price. The driving on an ill-supported seat will, as you probably know, aggravates your sciatica. I copied and am pasting here now…
    **Does seat cushion help with sciatica?

    The cushion provides the nerve space and time to heal. By placing the cushion on your seat every time you sit you are able to stretch your sciatic nerve whilst reducing the increased pressure the nerve experiences during sitting.
    I hope you consider getting a cushion. Some even have cool pack insert availability or, if not, wouldn't be hard to be creative.
    Just some thoughts, hon

  14. Hi Matt, Sorry I missed this live. I have back pain caused by having twins 27 years ago, when it flares up it turns into sciatica, it's awful. I did try a tens Machine I gave that away because I turned it up too much and needless to say I jumped and that hurt so bad. At the moment the pain is not bad, I take either a paracetamol or an ibuprofen each night. I can't take any through the day because within 15 minutes I'm knocked out because I'm weak. Many times I have taken one in the day and fell asleep banging my head on the table hence why I don't take them lol. The good thing is I sleep at night xx

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