1. (Tony Sifert, Headline USA) China has bought up hundreds of thousands of acres of land in Oklahoma in order to illegally grow and sell marijuana, according to a report by David Ware at the MAGA Institute.

    The Chinese Communist Party has arranged for the purchase of at least 300,000 acres of “valuable agricultural land in Oklahoma” that are “the source of much illegal marijuana throughout the United States and even beyond,” according to Ware.

    Ware also claimed that Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt is either “not aware of it” or supports his “big industry cronies” and their interest in the illegal trade.

    In February, the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics seized $500 million worth of marijuana in coordinated raids throughout the state, according to KFOR.

  2. If these giant grows are so obviously breaking the law then where tf are the people to stop them? These anti-820 people are bought and paid for shills

  3. Homelessness is not the result of Marijuana. It's the result of overpriced housing. People live on the streets because they cannot afford the rising costs of housing.

  4. Law enforcement doesn’t need any money because we would be taking this of your hands you don’t have to worry about it anymore. You are free to fight real crime now, instead of wasting time on cannabis.

  5. You have a black market sir because it’s still illegal. It is not a drug it is a plant, a flower, a botanical. People have been smoking cannabis everyday for centuries. It is a mild sedative. This panel all looks like cops that want to bust people . This is medicine veterans need it, anyone that seizes needs this medicine and anyone with cancer or other diseases. Stop being a tight wad and learn something new.

  6. 3 vs 2 and seems like team 820 came with facts to refute any misconceptions. Its a yes vote for me . Just because weed is not a drug and Team 820 knew what they were talking about. DA wants to lock everyone up…lol

  7. prohibition creates the black market and the violence that goes with it. Without prohibition there is no drug dealer. How many people do you know that buy alcohol from someone that distills it in their home? Zero everyone goes to the store or liquor store.

  8. Where's the native American point of view since you all are on an Indian reservation? Expunge those hurt by the biased control of incarnation and fines. Education, not incarnation. Get your acts together because you all ready took away women's choices to vote on female topics.

  9. The truth is that it's all about greed before the actual benefits of medicine. You will get the guy who's all about save the children, but really, it's about the profits lost by the law enforcement system. Your teens know the difference, and if you asked them, they would care less about cannabis. The real issue is that it's a state and federal issue among themselves. Your violation of federal law versus state is it's illegal by feds and in the wrong classification of dangerous drugs. You can't compare it to the drug alcohol. That is the real problem with killing people. Then, you have no laws protecting you from being removed from an organ transplant. You have thc in your system, and they deny you from saving your life by a death sentence over biased ignorance.

  10. It's obvious the Tulsa DA is completely ignorant of the way the gen pop actual live their everyday lives.. I can only infer from his completely fantastical statements that he must've been raised in proverbial ivory tower, conducting his life wholly within an insular community comprised solely of like minded individuals..

    I happen to know for a FACT, that a LARGE % of the state legislators in this state have been regular pot smokers (among other illicit substances) for much longer than it has been legal..

    Show me a legislator that opposes legal marijuana, and I'll show u a lying hypocrite..

    I very much appreciate both Mike Ervin's and Damon Shade's informed, logical, fact-based commentary, helping to douse the nefarious, hair-on-fire rhetoric of so many of these control freaks, who are so laser-focused on dictating the way ppl are allowed conduct themselves in more and more areas of their lives every day..

    'Free Country,' my rear end..

  11. I hate to tell that DA from Tulsa county but cannabis is psychologically addictive but not physically addictive. I know because I moved to the Philippines where it’s totally illegal and I don’t have access to it and I didn’t suffer any sort of physical withdrawal symptoms. It was psychological after I first got over here. But no problem now.

  12. I have been a canabis user most of my life… I have to say every city that I have been in that has legalized it has gone down hill pretty fast. Seattle and Denver are not what they used to be. Moved a year ago from Seattle area and was pleased to see Tulsa as a clean polite city with very little homeless population compared to cities out west. My guess is that will be changing.

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