Police Minister Bheki Cele joins operation in Joburg CBD to clamp down on fake goods trade

Police Minister Bheki Cele is joining a police operation in Johannesburg clamping down on illicit and counterfeit goods and …


  1. They not fake but cheap quality for poor africans people who cant affird the big brands…shame on you cele caffir to lead and allow the clamp down

  2. These CLOWNS are going after "soft targets". These people are NOT criminals, they are trying to make a living (even buy selling fake goods). The people who are buying the products KNOW that they are buying fake products. Go after the CIT criminals, the POLITICIANS that are stealing are criminals…. go after them. Hitmen are "running wild" across our country, they (SAPS) have not made 1 proper arrest, now they want to show the public that they are working. The SAPS are public enemy number 1 when you behave in this manner. To the SAPS, GROW BALLS. Stop going after soft targets. Show us your might AND intelligence by resolving "REPORTED" crimes in our country. The ANC Government has FAILED South Africa.

  3. The suggestion in order for all that is happening about these foreigners creating illegal institutional racisms in deeper cities to be monitored and managed. Is that to gather real estate owners, to tell them that whenever they establish a rent interest with foreign people they must fill in a specific form from a specific department in order to control this illegal immigrants into South Africa. And there must be a system where whistleblowers can notify or tell, if on their Street there are foreign people, therefore in that take that department which can be employed, must go there and check if those foreigners staying on those streets are legal or illegal immigrants, and if they are illegal immigrants they must be taken and to a person who established them to stay at his/her place must be fined big amounts in order to stop this perpetuating in SA

  4. …what will you do with their address. Inside Durban in St George's there is a Wunga park. When are you coming deer? When do you give Commissioner a chance to speak? How is your walking around crime scenes solving the actual crimes? Do sprinkle ferry dust or do yu cast a freezing shadow that terrify criminals? Exactly how do your powers work Picalo, do you bast a Kameh-ya- meyah… Sir how do you do your thing- ah- magic…..😂😂😂

  5. Formalise these traders so that u get taxes from them.
    Isn't that your Preaident is always talking about one Africa and inter trade among Africans.
    So why do you call them foreigners?
    Africa is full of confused black people , Shame.

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