1. Smoking weed 24/7 is going to impact your life in a negative way, I don’t care what anyone says.
    Using it when needed is fine and can improve your life in many ways especially if you’re using it to treat mental illness or pain etc, in my experience as a moderate user suffering from anxiety, OCD and alcoholism (I no longer drink alcohol thanks to marijuana) it has helped me greatly but I could not function if I was high all day everyday.

  2. The problem with these types of debates is that people who really like pot defend it to a religious level. It doesn't matter what you say or show, it's like you're attacking the core of what defines them, the one thing that gives meaning to everything. And there's no debating against that.

  3. With all this social justice crap and transgender pronouns I highly doubt the kids back when I was a kid in the 90s were less healthy than the kids today. Highly doubt that

  4. Thc makes me paranoid and gives me severe panic attacks that have twice landed me in the ER (I was hysterical and psychotic for about 4 hours) it was traumatic as I didn’t expect weed to do that to me. It depends on the brain. Alcohol turned me into a drunk so I quit that habit. I stick with coffee in the early AM and sometimes kratom in the evening if I’m restless and achey.

  5. Alex Berenson, a writer of fiction. Shutting down a doctor as soon as they provide verifiable statistics on why cannabis is helpful.

    Why the fuck is YouTube showing me this bs?

  6. Moderation is key to appreciate and not have negative sideeffects i think cant appreciate a high and its effects if your never sober

    Love weed but dont recommend dawn to dusk smoking/using ruins it

  7. When marijuana is used regularly, it inhibits the production of dopamine. In my experience with people around me. It’s not when they’re high that is a big problem. It’s when they are sober and feigning for it. Horrible mood swings and combative behavior It’s a vicious cycle.

  8. 12:37 his wife must hate her life…horrible joke and fake laugher is so cringe on every level…"first of all, heheheh, why are we heheheh talking about heheh this at the heheheh dinner table heheheheheheheh" what a phony yuck 🤮

  9. I have schizophrenia I got it early 20 and I smoke pot haha cannabis is good for ya man it’s a hate and love game with weed no bodys perfect

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