How to Stop Using Marijuana

QUIT CANNABIS: Transform Your Life in 6 Weeks! Ready to break free from cannabis and unlock your true potential?


  1. “Marijuana dims the human spirit over time.” That's a highly irresponsible thing to say. How do you even begin to measure this, let alone make such a bold claim? It sounds smart and reasonable, but you can't know this as a matter of fact. What about someone like Seth Rogen, how do you explain him? An exception? lol

  2. Hoping someone would see this comment and reach out to help:
    Been smoking since 15, 22 now, had a toxic relation with marijuana, and what this man said, which was so perfectly spoken with such precise accuracy, I felt like he was describing my relationship with it. I had a mental breakdown recently which led me to stop smoking ( because I wanted to get rid of the addiction but I simply couldn’t even with the help of psychiatrist) for about 9 days, after it I fell back into it ( but reduced the amount of pot I was smoking ) and started lying to my friends that I still didn’t smoke, and I feel terrible about it, it simply destroys you slowly, mentally, physically, you become weaker. It won’t help you reach where you want to go.
    I am right now trying to see what life is outside of smoking and experiencing new things, hoping to stop pot one day, because it’s the right thing to do, not the most pleasant or convincing, but simply right, if anyone knows how to help me quit for ever, just answer this comment !!
    Thank you kindly

  3. Man I just discovered this gem, I feel everything he said with %100 recognition of the story of introducing weed into your life. I was diagnosed with ADHD at 16, and I've been using weed consistently since around the same time. And this guy articulates the feeling so well, Its almost euphoric to me because of how accurate he is.

  4. Sir, you really cannot imagine how much power you gave me with your life story. Thank you, sir and may the Lord always protect you and give you strength

  5. So, I find your articulation, self-actualization, and experimental drive is an essential trait in even beginning the changes you've made. I don't think people are equipped to take your route without a sense/development of the traits you possess that helped you perceive your trials constructively which is impressive for doing something against your bodies will. I'd say the traits you possess are far more important than any message you could deliver and I admire that.

  6. How bout no….life is boring and monotonous….why there ain't vids for ppl to stop drinking wine…they drink for the same reasons…only reason I would stop is for a 100k job….not gone quit for no 20 an hour job that would stress me out and fire me because they at will…

  7. I've been through it with weed too, but it's only addictive if people have underlying mental issues that they are covering up by using weed. Also, it really shouldn't be used by people until their brain is fully developed. It makes a big difference. I'm 41 years old now and I speak from a lot of experience. It's true that weed isn't something young people should be ingesting though.

  8. I also started smoking when I was 13. One day I cut my shin while jumping over a small concrete wall. There was a new kid in school who had just come in from TX. He introduced me to marijuana with the idea that it would soothe the pain. I was hooked ever since. I turned 38 in July and for the first time in my life I said no more. I did some simple math. Both monetary and spiritual. Things added up quickly. The amount of money spent was astronomic in 25 years of constant use. I even got deported to my motherland Uruguay for selling the stuff to an undercover officer. While serving my 3 months in county jail, I was obviously forced to not smoke. It was the longest period of time ever without smoking. But it wasn’t by choice so I definitely thought about and craved it constantly. Ironically Uruguay was the first country in the world to legalize its recreational use. So as I arrived I found myself in “heaven”. I joined a weed club and had at my disposal some of the best strains I had ever tasted. I was in other words trapped deeper than ever. Long story short… here I am a few days into my second month of not smoking. And I feel amazing because this time was by choice. My son is now 5 and it has become hard to hide it from him. Now not only are my lungs clean, my conscience is no longer carrying that heavy burden. I hope people read this and feel empowered. I once pictured myself at 70 still smoking comparing myself to Swami. But that person no longer exists in this universe. I literally feel like a new person. Oh and the lucid dreams are insane. I mean it’s like traveling into different dimensions. Be safe out there. Weed is becoming ever more addictive more powerful and therefore more dangerous. Peace ✌️

  9. Sneaking out at work to smoke a joint, constantly spraying cologne to cover your tracks, spending 25$ a day on kief infused prerolls.

    Safe to say it ruined my Life. 7 days sober and those prerolls are calling strong.

    Causes me horrific jount pain too ( I know for most it alleviates pain)

    I think my body has simply had enough. Diagnosed bipolar long ago likely from chronic use.

    It gives and it takes. But its safe to say it has taken more from me then given.

  10. When I saw this video pop up in my feed, I could only think of the movie "Half Baked". In the movie they go to rehab for marijuana. They get laughed at for it by other addicts. Bob Saget plays a cocaine addict and gives a great quote: "Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?" 🤣

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