How To Get A UK Weed Prescription

A lot of people always ask me how they can get a medical prescription, today I show you how in under a minute! (Normal videos …


  1. I looked into this and checked all pharmacies and reviews mate and so far I am yet to find any that have a good reviews. Poor weed, seeds in it and massively long waiting times plus poor customer service. Seems like consultations is where they make the money. I see your experience is totally different from all the other reviews on the internet.

  2. Here in Australia you don’t even need to speak to a doctor, I just filled out (an admittedly kinda lengthy) personal and medical history on an online form and one week a doctor messaged me a list of options – bud and oils and pills. Chose some oils and they messaged me back the prescription. Very simple if a little absurd, if I can get legal weed to help with my migraines (and it does help!), anyone else should be able to get it just so they can enjoy it.

  3. too strong these days , I stopped smoking it few years back , not preaching I cool with weed and ppl can make there own choice, but quitting was the best thing that happened to me , being a man in your 30s and being a pot head is just not cool

  4. When smoking weed is your entire personality. When you stop smoking bud everyday you realise how shit your life really is and that you have to do something about it.

  5. I want to be able to grow it for myself. Don't want to have a "special permit/permission" and honestly, I don't trust the stuff from the dealers.

  6. I’m from the uk and it’s just stupid that they don’t legalise it. it’s much better than drinking that is 100 worse. I think it’s a cultural thing to British people rather get pissed act like pricks. Plus its business just for the government because you have to pay so much to get it from GP privately.
    I hate this country with a passion and I don’t recommend it if you want to have any sort of freedom or rights you just have to follow stupid rules from stupid poncy white British people that get pissed at the pub every day and go home beat on there wife and are the most miserable people you’ll meet and very rude no manners that’s uk for you!

  7. It costs £150.00 just for the consultation and quarterly check 😮
    Then after that for Dried flower only its £6.36/Daily = £193 a month and I bet you don't get anywhere near a Oz in that month 😒 I smoke for a medical condition (Bipolar dissorder) I don't like the way the medications prescribed by the doctor because it will come with multiple side effects take weeks to actually start working and when they do you don't feel like yourself anymore hard to explain but you will know what I mean if have been through it but where I'm getting at is not all of us earn a small fortune from YouTube videos etc and don't have that kind of money to help ourselves :/ I'm not saying make it on the NHS but surely if your planning on beating the illegal bud trade and use it for better purposes they should start by under cutting the streets prices or else are they making the world better or just catering to the upper class ? 😂

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