1. Where can I find your sources for this? I believe the theory’s, I’d just like to check them out for myself. Been asthmatic my whole life, regularly struggled with asthma attacks. Since growing and smoking my own cannabis (not bought from a store or delivery service) my breathing has been amazing. I do use a daily medication to treat asthma and I smoke all day everyday. However, I find that’s more related to the space I live in and the animals I have (corgi). This leads me to believe that if you are using a clean and healthy product there is minimal to no side effects for asthmatics. Thank you!

  2. I've grown up with asthma and still have it more so allergy related as I got older. When I got into adulthood I was introduced to marijuana from a couple friends, and the relief it gave me was amazing. It made my breathing calm and relaxed. I also have anxiety so it was great for both. Unfortunately being in Texas its putting my life at risk due to legality, maybe one day our government will do things in favor of its citizens and the knowledge we can gain from certain substances and how they can effect and treat our bodies will be legally available.

  3. as someone who suffers from asthma I cannot be around a person who smokes cigarettes even for a Split Second but if you smoke weed it's all good I could be in a room with you even no I don't smoke weed.

  4. As a person with asthma, I can confirm that it does NOT worsen my asthma, based off of my experience. I use at night just fine, and wake up with no resistance. Exercising is a different story, maybe im out of shape but it’s harder on me. Probably out of shape tbh.

  5. Thanks for the info man, I was pretty sure it did. This helps alot because I was trying to figure out what was triggering and had developed my athsema and now im pretty certain that it was 3 years of Inhaling nicotine vapes

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