57 Companies Get On FedNow | What’s Really Going On?

We kick off with an overview of the Federal Reserve’s ‘FedNow’, an instant payment system to be used by 57 firms upon its launch …


  1. Part of the enslavement system coming. Sook Cbdc will be your only option and will require a chip implant. It’s all public now. Look into the plans of the BIS. So NO! Now.

  2. I beg to differ from what you say that the wars are causing inflation …IF THIS WAR WERE TO END NOW, we would still have rising prices …..wars are not to blame for inflation. World global government AND THE FED ARE TO BLAME …THE FED & the government have to lie because the people want to hear lies…the people will vote for anyone who will give them free stuff instead of real freedom to discover their potential with real success…so the fed LIES WHEN THEY SAY THEY ARE FIGHTING INFLATION when in actual fact, they fight it with water on one end and gasoline in the other…GOVERNMENT AND FED CENTRAL banks ARE THE BIGGEST FIRE-starters when their plans fail.
    While government get more expensive for the people to afford (BIG GOV IS NOT CHEAP, they insist on creating wars in order to create more fiat printing, money laundering, so that they can invisibly tax the entire world without laying a hand on our money….they need to spend to lengthen the life of their dying debt based economy but as some can feel, this debt based economy is soon coming to an end…..and all this while WORLD FIAT IS LOSING VALUE, that is why you, no doubt have heard that there is a currency race to the bottom…because the PRESENT world economy thrives and lives on debt…in order to create wealth and this is because the dollar was taken off real money, which is gold. 
    now the dollar is only backed by the word of american politicians which as you know by now is no longer trusted and Carries no more faith with the world.
    if FED didn’t lie and really killed inflation they would be killing themselves , the world, and our present dollar-debt based world economy…which would lead to a more painful world reset…in which many would die from hunger …but which, ironically, is our only cure.

  3. BE STRONG: Revelation 3:10-11
    [10]Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
    [11]Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.


    Psalms 91:7-8
    [7]A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand: but it shall not come nigh thee.
    [8]Onely with thine eyes shalt thou behold: & see the reward of the wicked.

  5. Has nobody else heard of the Amazon One payment system also being rolled out? I just saw the palm scanners in a store. All these things are happening at the same time.

  6. I'm worried. Years ago I realized those preppers we saw on TV weren't crazy people. I'm just now starting to learn how to grow food. Starting with carrots , leeks and chives. Going to see how this goes to see if I can expand into a decent food garden. Have to insulate from these globalists

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