The Taste of Hemp Hearts’s Supertaster dives into the world of hemp-related food and eats a bag of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts.


  1. if taking a calorie dense seed caused such a dramatic change, i would recommend a full vitamin regimen (i.e. multivit, fiber supp, fish oils and whey protein). sure these things are nutritious as far as calorie density and protein content, but they are in no way the most vitamin packed food out there. and if they did cause a change, they would in no way be a cure. if anything they could have helped a pre-existing vitamin deficiency and as soon as you stop eating them the pain will return.

  2. I started taking this in my cereal for the last 4 days. Already I have no pain in my back and legs at all! I am a mechanic and have had constant leg and back pain for the last few years. (I am 48 yrs old.) My energy levels are higher and I feel much better overall. I'm going to continue taking it to see if it is a permanent cure. Very high in fibre too, good for the heart!

  3. well it is illegal to grow hemp in the us. however, Canada has legal hemp so anything made by hemp is found in north America and shipped here like hemp rope, materials, hearts, seeds etc just not grown here. how dumb

  4. Well, you are sadly mistaken. We in the United States have something called a "Free Market Economy" as a part of our Democracy. A free market economy basically means that we can work for/who/however we want at our own will. Working for the government, and being given food by the government, and a place to live, is something called Communism.

  5. I've been loading up some protein drinks with hemp powder and chia seeds. It seems expensive but a bag that size lasts a while when you add it for extra protein and variety

  6. Try chia seeds, my mom just got them from Costco and they're pretty cool. Try putting a couple of tablespoons in a glass of water and waiting a couple minutes.

  7. Thats actually not true. There was a comparison I saw I while ago that showed the dollar to calorie ratio of eating mcdonalds and buying fresh food from a grocery store. Suprisingly the grocery store is cheaper.

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