Texas bill would expand medical marijuana access

There’s a significant development in the ongoing campaign to liberalize Texas marijuana law restrictions. FOX 26 Political …


  1. While the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) still considers Marijuana a Class 1 Narcotic that's highly abused with no known medical uses??? We in Texas and twenty some other states commonly use it for Epilepsy, MS, Cancer and PTSD… (Many more using it recreationally) And, now are adding Chronic Pain to the list here in Texas, reluctantly with Billions in corrupt PAC moneys working for the Pharmaceutical Industries fighting tooth and nail with their bought and sold-out Legislature that in Mexico they call the Cartel…
    It's almost a joke that Fentanyl that supposedly is a American Epidemic of Death is classed by the DEA as a Schedule 2 Drug that they happily license and allow across all 50 States… Yet Fentanyl is used as a ruse to fill law enforcement coffers for their "War on Drugs" and Prohibition against marijuana to keep the Alcohol Industry afloat and the Pain Management Doctors on their fast track to the millionaire's club…
    You'd think the Federal Government might see the light and put an Agency with a truly Scientific Discipline in charge of Licensing Doctors and Pharmacists??? The DEA only seems to know two Functions… The War on Drugs and Prohibition, both fast tracts to State Prisons, ruining life as Felons and actually INCREASING a climate of Black Market Drugs!!! 😉 No Offenses Intended

  2. I am an epileptic and use Rosin daily for my seizures. Medicine prescribed to me makes me feel weird, I don’t want it. I’m tired of looking over my shoulder. Please do this.

  3. All i got out of this is that every stock joint video used has A) people dont know how to roll a joint and or B) dont know how to ash so the joint burns properly. GL Texas, ya got a ways to go

  4. Abbott isn't going to pass any of these proposals due to his religious beliefs. Texans should sue Abbott personally for violating the separation of Church and State.

  5. Honestly. This is a waste of time. It is ignorant and short sighted to think that anything other than full recreational legalization is coming to Texas. You can’t talk as much bull💩 about freedom as Texans do and tolerate cannabis prohibition. The state should be embarrassed for tolerating it this long.

  6. Medical marijuana legalization in Texas would potentially help a lot of patients suffering from a number of diseases. With Texas being one of the largest sates in America, I could easily see the passing of this bill leading to its legalization in others states who wish to follow suit. This would give many physicians another treatment option for patients who have failed more conventional therapies to treat their pain, anxiety, and/or depression. Likewise, I think there needs to be strict regulations in place as to who can purchase and also on how pure the product is. I see the upside in legalization and how it would not only help many people, but also would pump revenue into the Texas state economy. On the other, hand, those who would oppose its legalization are most likely taking the stance that marijuana has been primarily known for a long time as a “gateway drug”. When “the War on Drugs” first began during the Reagan administration, marijuana was demonized and many people were fearful of its usage. The rhetoric has since changed in America, and its health benefits are being recognized more and more. I believe marijuana has a legitimate place in medicine, and its legalization would help many patients. In terms of ethics, the principle of beneficence states that all doctors should strive to do good for their patients. By allowing for people and patients to have access to marijuana, it could potentially open up brand new avenues of treatment for many people. Additionally, I believe that if marijuana is to be legalized, then those who have been convicted of marijuana-related crimes must be released. I think that many people are afraid that if marijuana is legalized, then more recreational drugs will be soon to follow. According to a study conducted by the United States Department of Justice “legalizing the recreational use of marijuana resulted in fewer marijuana related arrests and court cases and legalizing marijuana did not have a noticeable impact on indicators in states that bordered those that legalized.” In a world where more people want to take a natural and holistic approach to managing their medical diagnoses, it only makes sense that marijuana legalization is a choice that many people will take. I believe that medical marijuana is going to integrate into the healthcare system nationwide in the next decade, and it will be imperative that physicians are well-educated on it when patients start to ask for it.

  7. Hell yes legalize it , lot safer than drinking and the taxes we could raise would do Texas nothing but good … But all these republicans run this State like a Monarch . Open carry for firearms don't The cops have enough problem's with the drunks and dippers it does nothing but benefit out State … Legalize it

  8. All MAGANITES forget, who Abbott is…. he hates you. He has no compassion for anyone but the elites. I'm 99% sure, he'll say no, because CRT pr wokism.

  9. So…..we can all get high on a misused drug that ANYONE can access by faking a condition, but WOMEN can't have access to a medication that has already been approved… must be a lot of men in our state government that have PTSD.

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