Indica vs Sativa? Does it even matter?

Indica vs. Sativa – Is there even a difference? Sativa and Indica are two main species of cannabis plants that have thousands of …


  1. Pretty well every strain of cannabis I have tried creates tension and anxiety, I don't think I have EVER had an 'uplifting' effect that I wanted to go out and do something other then the chair I was in…

  2. I think people are crazy for saying they can tell the difference between indicas and sativa's and for the most part people that think different strains produce noticeable different effects. Weed is weed, and most strains are now hybrids anyways. Strain name's like "gorilla glue" are always going to vary anyways depending who's growing it. People can grow whatever and call it whatever names are popular. It's been so long since I've had any weed that I wouldn't consider good.

  3. After 45 years of smoking weed I have concluded that for me there is no discernible difference, but I also can't feel my blood sugar dropping and have never once tasted "hints of elderberry" with "subtle undertones of sandalwood" in the flavor of some weed strain so it's probably just me.

  4. I always thought it was BS but i can see how it would help bring some kind of sense to it. These labels help people know what kind of high to expect

  5. I smoked indica and sativa I can definitely say, indica make me laugh slowly and chilling, peace, sativa make me feel like Im going crazy my heart racing even hurting me a bit, and Laughing till I go out of breath I swear

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