5 Conditions That Cannabis Could Treat Instead of Pills

Although research is ongoing, studies support the use of medical cannabis for conditions like Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Pain, …


  1. My grandfather was dying of cancer and he used opiates and they thought he passed away. They took the pain patches off him and he woke up. My best friend and one my close cousins died of fentanyl. Cannabis can drive you a little coo coo but the poppy steals part of your soul. I opt for cannabis over opiates any day of the rest of my life. Thank you. I can't be the only one with stories like these.

  2. I've been sober off narcotics and benzos for 9 years now thanks for medical marijuana I suffer from PTSD and nerve damage and high anxiety and I've noticed medical marijuana has more healthy benefits then pharmaceutical drugs and it won't harm you like pills

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