Westminster Dog Show… On Acid!

The Westminster Dog Show is a hellscape packed to the gills with Midwesterners and dogs who receive more attention and have …


  1. I remember years ago going to another state to get an animal that is banned in my state with two other guys in a small truck. We dropped right before we left and drove all the way there coming up.

    We became so incoherent that the driver had to pull over and me and these two other guys sat there in that truck for HOURS yapping and yapping and yapping back and forth and back and forth. It would only stop when we would just stop, realize what we were doing and just start crying laughing so freakin' hard you can't breath in or out. Then, it would start right back up yapping and yapping and yapping followed by more laughing and laughing. Back then, early 90s late 80s there was some of the best stuff EVER.

  2. My first acid trip was about 6 tabs over 4 hours it was so strong it was amazing to walk outside and see like everything colourful and moving it was nuts

  3. Its so dope to see someone have an awesome experience. I saw this video a long time ago before I myself had ever had any similar experiences, but watching this now, especially right after the monster truck episode which was clearly a bad trip for the guy and was a bad idea from the start, it just makes me appreciate it so much more. This episode is the best trip I've ever seen on camera

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