The TRUTH About Collagen Protein & Its Unexpected Benefits | Mind Pump 2081

LAUNCH SPECIAL: MAPS Bands, Retail for $97, with $30 off during the launch. The public price is $67. Includes 2 E-Books: …


  1. the reason for corps going woke is to get a good ESG/DEI score. To a certain extent this is more profitable than any blowback. Bud Light and Target are finding out wether or not it is true.

  2. @Mind Pump – Super psyched that you guys have released a 'Resistance bands' workout. I have been using them for past 6-7 months. But why is it 7days/week, and how do users incorporate other forms of training such as running/cardio with such a program?

  3. Hope you guys will be able to see this and answer some concerns I have.
    Im six months postpartum What are some core exercises I can do at home to prevent or correct my diastasis recti and what exercises I should stay away from.
    Much love 🤍

  4. I was hoping someone might elaborate on this more. I heard that collagen wasn't as important if you hitting your protein target. I do take collagen but that's because I assume that I fall short of my target since I don't track my macros.

  5. I love the every day life stories and the banter back and forth. I was dying listening to Adam talking about peeing at night and Justin and Sal trying to bring you down. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one the sits down at night to pee. Who wants to turn on the lights or clean up the puddles in the middle of night. Thanks for all you guys do.

  6. Love the podcast! I started listening in October. I need to catch up on all of the past episodes. :). Sharing something for Justin – the Nerva app has been a huge help for me (gut issues). Passing that along in case you want to look into it. Hope you feel better!

  7. Need a video on EAAs vs Collagen protein. EAAs provide everything needed for the body to synthesize Collagen production. BTW, been using bands for years worth the X3 Bar. Would love to compare your program with that getup

  8. I have had bad knees for 20 years . Ive tried everything you can try . Collagen has totally changed my life no exaggeration .knees are like new took 6 weeks of collagen powder intake .

  9. Another great episode! Collagen is something I find pretty useful…goes great in the morning coffee 🙂 Really cool about the Bands program. Can't wait to hear some of the feedback. This looks perfect for someone that travels for their job. So, what's the work on a full blown MAPS Calisthenics program? hehe

    I forgot to mention I have an Oura ring as well, the 2nd gen. Love it! They had a fitting at a place in Palo Alto so I was able to get the correct size. I'd hate to have to ship the back to Sweden (I think they're from Sweden). It's crazy how accurate it is. My biggest shock is seeing how high my heart is on nights I have wine vs whisky and if I just drink to much. Really neat and I have no regrets getting it. Think I've had it at just 4 years or so. Keep up all of the fantastic work guys!

  10. Hi gentlemen my husband has tennis elbow from computer work with charting as a nurse and I told him that working with resistant bands would be helpful due to joint pain and he asked whether the cable machine would be working the same way?

  11. Learning so much from your videos and love how you guys bounce off of eachother! I've started using bands in my work out recently and its an absolute game changer!! still learning how to add them in but getting so much more out of the workout! Thanks guys 😊

  12. Excited to see a all bands program. Been looking at getting a set of bands for some workouts, is there a certain kind (loop, handles, interchangeable, etc) that will help run the program? Not sure which kinds I should get without spending too much

  13. Love you guys. Lost 45 lbs watching you. Sadly, just found I wasn’t subscribed to your channel. Just did it today. You guys rock and really help out people like me

  14. Adam.. your not alone. I get up 2 or 3 times per night to pee. Im gonna try sitting down now. I always have trouble going back to sleep right after

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