The Effect of Ketosis on Mitochondria + CB2 vs CBD

The keto diet (ketosis) remains controversial in the mainstream (thanks, bread propaganda) but you can’t deny its power when …


  1. You say CB2 is available in the UK where can I purchase it from please? I suffer chronic back pain and chronic myofacial pain syndrome along with fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis so I am very interested in trying your product. Thank you for this informative video. Xx

  2. One thing that I really wonder about is that in the Ray-peat circles they claim that burning fat as fuel creates way more ROS and is therfore worse for longevity and health. Plus burning carbs producesome way more carbon dioxide which is supposedly so beneficial. And in the keto/carnivore community they say that it's healthier to burn fats/ketones. I am so confused how both sides claim that they are right. I REALLY wish someone would dig deep into this and explain the difference between these polar opposite views…It's so confusing! 😅 And yesterday I heard Dr Mercola talk about it and he has completely changed his view on keto and now eat massive amounts of carbs!! I think he said 500 g something..Wtf????😨

  3. Great to hear practitioners talking about the endocanebanoid system. I have a heavy autoimmune profile & am off meds bec of keto/Ketovore (no shock there) & CBD w THC oil. Much better than methotrexate any day.

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