Marijuana laws: Lawmaker takes drug test to prove Pennsylvania DUI laws unfair

Marijuana laws are evolving and vary from state to state, especially when it comes to DUI enforcement. In Pennsylvania and …


  1. If I paid the fee, saw a doctor to be approved to buy medical marijuana in PA how can I then be charged with a DWI bc it’s in my system. A lot of people being charged with DUI / DWI are mmj patients even if you didn’t use for 12+ hours you can still be charged. How goofy is that

  2. They still feel the effects for 24 hours. This dude has never smoke weed in his life and is a moron. Driving under the legal bac will have you driving worse than 2 dabs and after about 6-9 hours the effects are negligible.

  3. This is just another case of cannabis boogie being a bogeyman it doesn’t impair you like alcohol does you never get as impaired on cannabis as you can on alcohol.

  4. It’s an infringement on private people.
    The law has to do with corporations in commerce .
    They’re making you the corporations in commerce, instead of allowing you to be private men and women with standing .

  5. All across the united states from one end to the other, the lawless enforcement officers will lay dead in the streets when the fury of the Apocalypse arrives. The birds and wildlife will pick their bones and they will become dung on the ground. This will happen soon.

  6. There is now VALID scientific evidence that "pre-employment drug screens and cannabis related DUI's" are not able to determine whether someone is "under the Influence of THC." This has now been officially established by the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration). The info comes from an official FAA toxicology report: "A small plane crash (post-maintenance flight with pilot and mechanic on board) in Florida on Oct. 31, 2019 found that THC was discovered in the 73 year old pilot's blood, along with valium and blood pressure medicine. However, THC is rapidly metabolized, with the rate of metabolism not being linear and depends on the means of ingestion (smoking, oils, edibles), potency of the product, frequency of use, and user's personal characteristics. THC is fat soluble and stored in fatty tissues where it can be released into the system long after consumption. While the psychoactive effects may only last a few hours, THC metabolites can be detected in urine and blood for weeks after consumption. Thus, STANDARD URINE DRUG SCREENS or BLOOD LEVEL test results DO NOT reflect recent use and CAN NOT be used as proof that the user was UNDER THE INFLUENCE of THC". This well known scientific fact has now been OFFICIALLY verified by a U.S. government organization, but states that have legalized medicinal or recreational marijuana are still using urine screening and blood testing to deny employment and issue DUI's, even though it does not reflect any level of intoxication, accurately OR legally.

  7. Yeah but if you get pulled over and asked to take a test to provide proof of impairment it really won't matter because how are they going to be able to know if you consumed cannabis an hour ago or thirty days ago?
    Cannabis is not like alcohol which leaves the body within hours, When you consume cannabis it will be visible by blood or urine test for up to thirty days. I don't understand how the officers can make a positive determination..

  8. What do these cops know about weed an driving. They are too busy drinking and driving. Some people smoke cannabis regularly. An drive 12 to 16hrs a day everyday for the last 15 yrs. They keep it under wraps an respect the roads an laws. Whats wrong here is the police just want to feel powerful an make you lose your job get left by your family an wife all because you smoked some weed for anxiety. They want you to lose your home an get stuck in the streets. It helps them not have to lock you up your already miserable an they don't spend a dime. Th as t way u can get hooked on meth or crack an they can tie u up chain you up hurt your for hrs by 5 men an assault you an threaten your hearts life by pointing guns at you everymorning for sleeping in a car with no locked doors to keep you safe. Police will harras you an wait for you to go to sleep so they can surround you an sneak up. They steal your hard-earned money an life from you so they can play hero an have a gun an uniform on. You have to help people in order to be a real police officer. Not harass hardworking people for a tangy smell like you'd get from a cigarette anyway. Its prejudice.

  9. Driving while sleepy, driving on prescription medications, talking on a cell phone. Even the blood alcohol level varies from state to state. There are several issues that can lead to hazardous driving. The entire issue is hazy.

  10. Of course police are going to push the narrative that you aren't safe to drive while high on marijuana, it gives them all the leniency they've always had to raid your vehicle and potentially steal your cash and belongings.

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