DOES SHE FAKE HER SEIZURES? // Comparing Raelynn's Seizures to MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree

There’s a trend online in which many people attempt to fake seizures. Angelique Busko of MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree is not one …


  1. Ué , então quer dizer que a " MyJourneyToBeSeizureFree " menti as suas confusões , então quer dizer que até aquela babinha que escorre pelo canto da boca dela , e que eu amo quando ela faz também é falsa. 🤔🤨😱😨😭😭😭😭 fui enganado não acredito 😭 eu quero a minha mãe.

  2. Okay Lemme say this not everyone's case is the same I am diagnosed with epilepsy at first my seizures were really bad now they have been controlled. So not everyone's case is the same my guy.

  3. You can tell it real her body is locked up she not faking and it not like she can just stop because y’all think she’s faking no I really appreciate how he showing his daughter the same thing that Ange has because he braking it down in steps and explaining so please just really take the time and listen and hopefully y’all understand love you 🤎

  4. I've been following Ang since the start, bless her heart she is one of the most genuine brave and beautiful women there is. She helps so many by documenting her seizures. She shows even in the face of a crippling disease if you fight and stand everytime you're knocked down you can still live a normal and successful happy life!! I'm so very proud of Ang for her courage and bravery in opening up her life to social media in the hopes of helping others and also maybe connecting with people going through the same as her!! I hope these seizures leave your little one soon and my biggest hugs are sent to her 🥰🥰🥰

  5. Thank you very much for making this video. I did originally think it was another one accusing Angelique of faking from the title. However, I appreciate your compassion with regards to the video showed. As a person with epilepsy, I can confirm that auras do occur in some people (not in every case though), but I thought the aura to my first seizure was just because I was tired and upset at receiving some bad news. I have been a fan of Angelique since my epilepsy diagnosis four years ago and she was instrumental in my wanting to fight back against it. Sending my wishes to you and your daughter. You are both superstars!🌟🏆👍 ☺

  6. I would never have enough time to turn on a camera and say anything other than "I think I'm going to have a seizure." But I know that seizures are different. For the first half of my life I had only "partial seizures" or "auras" then in the second half I started to have convulsions or tonic-clonic seizures after a short aura. So that makes it clear to me that they can be different between people and at different times in life.

  7. People are so mean Angelique is not faking seizures if she was faking why would she stay in a hospital for two weeks with wires on her head and video being in hospital people are stupid

  8. To be honest, when I first saw the link to this video in the results when I searched for "rko television", I thought that, maybe, you were actually going to say that Ang was faking her seizures. And, honestly, I was about ready to call you out for making what I believe would have been a very disrespectful & despicable allegation towards her.

    But, after reading the video description, and watching the video of you, more or less, backing up her experience with that of your own daughter's and just overall finding out that you're actually standing up for Ang and saying that her seizures aren't fake, I'm instead going to call you out for being such a wonderful, compassionate, caring person.
    In fact, I have an older sibling who's epileptic and used to have lots of seizures during their childhood & adolescence. And, I even told Ang that her posting her seizure videos has given me insight as to what my family had to experience all those years ago when they dealt with my older sibling's seizures.

    Honestly, any person who would claim that Ang's seizures are fake doesn't know what they're talking about.

    And, I thank you for your part in supporting Ang in her journey to become seizure free, and doing whatever you can to come forward & defend her when idiots choose to open their mouths & spew idiotic nonsense.

  9. You should know better then anyone that she is not faking them. Look at her body not everyone’s seizures are the same. Her body is tight her twitching that’s hard to fake

  10. While I can't comment as to if her seizures are real from the few seconds of video you show, the few indicators you talk about are legit. I do have issues with how her mother handles it. First she put the dog on her. It may be a support animal, but at that point of a seizure, she should have gotten the dog away from her and potential harm. Imagine how bad the girl would feel after she recovered and found out she had inadvertently killed the animal. The way the dog is looking at her is prime for animals, they know these things, often before the person knows it and can alert them or others. That is not the case here, the girl started filming, mounted the camera and said she is going to seize. Secondly, she knows a seizure is coming, the smart thing is to get her out of the car and on the ground if safe to do so. It looked like they were parked in a parking lot by a grassy median. That is much safer than in a car with no seat belt on. Imagine her pushing the windshield out or busting the side window and getting cut up.

  11. I had a seizure once, and it was really scary. I remember, that I tried to talk but simply couldnt. all of my muscles were twitching. I fell asleep right after, because it was so exhausting

  12. I have epilepsy I personally don't know how what I look like when I have them but I know how they feel but whoever said she fakes hers is stupid that and I know no seizure is like others there's similarities but not identical

  13. How dare you make false accusations of her faking, my ex has seizures and you have no right You don't know her nor know nothing about her at all. You're a piece of……………, and need to f off leave her alone. I can't stand ppl who do this to others, you need to shutup and quit. You assume. Don't come at me. I can't stand you , and you are in some world and dont know all facts. You can go to hell, ya you have no brain. Shut up leave her be. Eff off , ass

  14. Stop saying stupid things on YouTube videos who’s cares about you saying stupid things on YouTube videos it not fake seizures each one is different and stop saying stupid things on YouTube videos

  15. I've witnessed my friend's seizures two that i had to call 911 for. So, scary to watch. Someone thought she was having them because she was anxious about missing her family. When i watch raylynn's seizures, i'm like: "yep, my friend does that with her seizures." My friend shakes so much and is so stiff that i've been afraid that she was going to accidently hit me in the face while shaking. So i quickly move to the other end of the couch and just try to comfort her from there. I know that my friend would never hit me on purpose and it's just her seizure. I wait until her seizure is done and i try to rub her back or her arm while i'm seeing if she is breathing. And i talk to her the whole entire time until the ambulance comes in hopes that she can hear me. Before this, i had never seen a seizure before, and i thought i was watching my friend die. So, upsetting.

  16. Every major seizure type behaves differently. Freak, each person with the same seizure type can look slightly different. Even in one person the seizures can look a tiny bit different.
    All what a seizure is is a wrong, rapid misfiring of the electrical system (nerves) in the brain.
    I personally have a history of seizures. My type affected all but how I can feel and hear. Most all people don't remember what happens during a seizure. But because the electrical activity wasn't affected in those areas I still remember what happened.

  17. I like Ang and have been watching her vids since she started them and I cannot believe someone would accuse her if faking! It's a good thing I didn't see a comment stating that. I guess we just need to remember ppl making that kind of accusation comes from stupidity. Pure and simple.

  18. I’ll say it one more time you put oxygen after her seizures. Why would you keep a mask on her seems like she’s always having tiny seizures
    Think about it critically

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