Vaping Pot More Powerful Than Smoking It

Welcome to Impact Factor, your weekly dose of commentary on a breaking medical study. This week, we’re going green with a …


  1. I’m sorry I don’t agree anyone use vapes. They are hazardous for people who suffer greatly with multiple chemical sensitivity/Toxicant induced loss of tolerance and they are generally harm everyone in long run. Use other method NOT vapes period!!!

  2. I have a question about after the vape is burnt it up and it’s like brown if you burn it through a bong or throw a traditional flame does it still have THC in it or you’re just smoking nothing basically what I’m asking does the vapour North all the THC or is there still some left over

  3. Nice presentation, but who does a detailed video about a scientific study but doesn't link the source in the description? Come on, that's what the web is for!

  4. Dry flower vaping is the way to go. It is not consentrated, it tastes amazing, and you can control your high. Not to mention it's always smooth with no coughing.

  5. One important thing missing seemingly purposefully from this dialogue (easily noticeable just scrolling through the comments) is the differentiation between vaping dry herb vs vaping cartridges. one has you naturally extracting a spectrum of compounds while the other has you inhaling typically a more specific compound distillate then diluted then thickened with synthetic chemicals. I would advise people be weary of distillate vapes and look more into dry herb vapes noting that obviously you would be getting higher from hitting wax besides the fact that a lot of them use delta-8 distillate which is a much milder and modified form of weed. And definitely research before buying any old dry herb vapes as most of them are highly inefficient and end up being nothing more than a luxury paper weight. I would recommend healthy rips rouge or the vapor ents subreddit to start your research, hope this helps some people.

  6. 3 hits from my vape are perfect for a couple of hours depending on what my choice of cartridge was. I vape something different every night. I just rotate 12 cartridges and I never need a break doing it this way. Indica is my preferred choice. It makes me relax which is what I need. Just vegging with my puppy atm.

  7. The fact that this trial was done on newbies discredits it. Vaping gives you more THC while smoking gives you more CBD. The THC gives you a head high while the CBD gives you more of a body high. If you're a newbie, high THC can be unpleasant and scary compared to CBD which feels more of that good tipsy feeling when you had a couple of beers. If you're a seasoned smoker then high THC no longer makes you feel psychotic. It gives you energy and makes you feel more focused.

    I can vape weed and hash until the cows come home and are as alert as a watchman, but I'm a couch potato with one puff from a pipe.

  8. Its weird because people say Weed is a gateway drug, I vape TCH on light occasions and yet I have ZERO desire to smoke a cigarette or Nicotine, and absolutely no desire to try Any hardcore dugs.

  9. The problem is that this study claims to have used as much as 25 mg THC. That's roughly the equivalent of a 1/8 gram with the strain running at about 20% THC or so – enough to get you going. This study also made the claim that they used a 0% THC placebo, indicating that the study is to be limited to wet vapes.

  10. I’m broken. I take thc for anxiety, insomnia, nausea and pain from a variety of health issues. I hate smoking but I have tried every type of edible, tinctures, and vaping and nothing has any effect on me at all except just smoking flower. I really wanted the vape to work but it has zero effect on me.

  11. As of September 2021 (last time I looked it up for a presentation in my public speaking class) it's fully legal in 17 states, a felony in 11 for certain, and the other 32 are kind of a grey area

  12. As for me, one or two drags from my cartridge pen is equal to or greater than smoking an entire joint. I get higher and save money at the same time. It's a win-win.

  13. I loved this video. I just think it has a major flaw: you dont talk about other studies… There are many studies comparing bio availability of smokes vs vaped cannabis, the majority of them dont seem to show that vaping gets you twice the THC. I think some studies show a similar THC abortion between smoking and vaping.
    But I understand this video is about that study alone. 🙂

  14. This is somewhat propaganda, very small study done, hardly any info. Very biased. Passing judgement at every corner, such as name of cannabis strain. His face just had to twitch I guess.

  15. Medical study's AKA TOBACCO LOBBYING INDUSTRY LOLOL you need to be lazy and BRAIN DEAD to believe this advertising ADVERTISING,BRAINWASHING,to indoctrinated Ahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahah Ahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahah impact Ahahahahahahabahahahahahahahahahahah factory LOBBYING.


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