Is Marijuana Good for Depression?

Is marijuana good for depression? A lot of people ask that question, and about 20% of people with depression use marijuana …


  1. study ayurveda traditional hindu medicine which has been used for more than 10,000+ years ayurveda considers the marijuana plant as the most useful plant for humanity and in hindu relgion its said that LORD shiva gave this plant to humanity as a gift ,its called the king of all plants for it has tremendous potential to heal …..but it must be combined by other natural herbs as taught in ayurveda

  2. Idk man I was depressed and had no motivation but now its like come on get up and hustle or actually want to give the day a chance. Just personal tho. I’m not abusing it but there are times where do. Maybe bc I switched to hybrid instead of Indica idk probably.

  3. Absolutely fantastic video and even better conversation from people with the lived experiences. We need much more of this stuff. Mental health treatment is still so far from where it needs to be.

  4. Well, is there anything that will work? I’ve been working with a number of different psychiatrists for years now. I’ve trialled so many different medications that I’ve lost count. Nothing works. The side affects are horrible.

  5. "Associated with", keep in mind, these data do not prove causation. For much of this data, it could very well be that people with depression are more likely to smoke mariquana.

  6. Good video, professional and data based. Lately i have been mentally unstable (anxiety, depression, idk for sure) and weed is making me think a lot and more loudly in my head. But when I don't do weed i feel as being on auto mode, almost no deep thinking/insights at all. Until this sick state of mind goes away i think I'm better off restraining from smoking for a while

  7. It's saved my life. I was completely crippled and defeated. I was waiting to die. If I would not have started using marijuana daily I don't know what would of happened to me but I was going nowhere.

  8. WTF
    cannabis exacerbates depression on long run and destroy the nervous system or to put it rightly it irritate it cause paranoia or at least irritability and sometimes cavin in.

    Gad sufferers tend to lean toward the irritable side due to their problem.
    Depressed one can ruminate.
    Bpd/ schizo/ bipolar and otherPD's develop psychosis. My friend's brother committed suicide when he got back on weed.

    Cbd i think is ok but it's effects is short term and not medically proven to help long term remission from dep/anxiety

    THC is psychoactive and mood plays a big role. If you're not even clinically depressed and tried it while your mood is off, it's effect will backfire.

  9. Cannabis has a promising future in some areas of healthcare, unfortunately, when it comes to issues of anxiety and depression, it is only a temporary band aid. Sure, when your high you will feel much better, but over time it can make it worse.

  10. i am on Lexapro, Gabapinton, lorazapam, Concerta, wilbutrin and seroquil for TRD depression and Anhedonia…. what happens if i injest CBD ? generally, medical comunity says it will injure me?

  11. Speaking from experience: Cannabis breaks the mental train wreck for a few hours. It does not train the mind, body, soul to face the disease head on and heal the patient. So, use it when necessary but seek to uproot the problem without weed (or any pharmaceutical drug either).

  12. My 20 yr old stepdaughter who was already suffering anxiety and depression took it among herself to being smoking Marijuana. Her depression just got worse and worse. She's now become suicidal.

  13. Everyone body chemistry is different it depends on the person . If u battle with depression it's not a good idea to start smoking..because it will make it worse over time…facts.weed smokers are in denial of the side effects of weed.

  14. Everybody is different. Some people claim it makes them paranoid. Personally I think it reveals paranoia that was already there. Some others, like myself seem to benifit from it. I've heard that scientist have found a cannabis gene in our biology. That would explain a lot.
    But I think a person's environment makes all the difference. If your parents, teachers and the rest of the world are all giving a message that only a looser uses cannibis then it becomes war that is completely unnecessary.

  15. I wanted to die daily before daily smoking (cannabis) I've been smoking daily for a year now and wow…. What a difference it had. Not only phycological effects but the change in my views, opinions, how I view life. I've never been happier and I'm not just saying that to say it. I've TRUELY never been happier in my life at 24years old.

  16. A lot of the studies he's referring to are too old to be accurate. A 2020 study published in The Journal of Biology and Medicine found that about 95% of people said marijuana gave them rapid short-term relief from depression symptoms. A study published in 2018 in the Journal of Affective Disorders reported similar fast-acting benefits. And there is a plethora of anecdotal evidence that supports that cannabis can be good for treating depression.

  17. I DO NOT, believe one damn study if government or any of its lil fuckfaces for the money are involved. Covid Jabs anyone? Covid Data anyone? Veteran and I say what works for me may not be for you. Smokin or no smokin. The KILLER PILLS or no killer pills. Ever had to deal with a Va asshole in the chair across from you and the asshole never seen combat before? The same assholes never recovered their buddies body parts up from a fucking explosion or anything else 11 up and 3 down! What they know came out of a fucking book that got it wrong. Written by just another liar for the control and money. They wrote the shit for their team. All bullshit lies from the government!!! Hows that for God Damn ptsd?!?!?!?

  18. one strong dose of cannabis oil a day is all it takes to wrestle fine and nock the fuck out of my depression. As I get swept away in waves see the vastness and beauty.

  19. yes it is good for depression weed raises dopamine serotonin and norepinephrine and gaba neurons so by raising these chemicals you get an awsome relief to youre depression all these chemicals seem to be low in depression people think its just serotonin no yes you need serotonin for functions but thats not the only chemical involved in depression you need dopamine to be fairly high to because its needed for motivation and pleasure you need serotonin because its needed for sleep and you need norepinephrine for alertness and concentration and gaba which is another inhibitory transmitter fairly similar to serotonin so there you go yes weed is amazing for depression plus less side effects than antidepressants and safer

  20. Most of these studies are worthless because they don't indicate how much THC vs CBD is consumed or which strains. No mention of microdosing either.

  21. I been smoking since 8th grade and it’s not helping at all. I might feel better for a hour or so until my high is gone. I don’t think that’s healthy so I might stop smoking weed but that’s easier to say than actually doing it lol 😂😂😂 I spent about $500-$600 on weed a month

  22. Here's the thing: cannabis has a much lower harm index of alcohol and an obscenely high LD-50 meaning its practically impossible to overdose. The SSRIs, antipsychotics, TCAs, SNRIs, and benzodiazapines have a low therapeutic index and a much lower LD-50, as does alcohol and that's before we get to Alcohols dangerous side effects and the fact that we don't even know the mechanism of action of most psychotropic pharmaceutical drugs. Yet this QUACK is on here rambling on without admitting that casual correlation does not equate to a double blind drug study.

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