Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Smoking Is Not The Best Way To Consume Marijuana

Smoking a joint seems to be the most popular way of using marijuana. Weed-infused cookies, brownies, and candies — called …


  1. If your a person say so what i want is  marijuana to smoke so what , so your telling me this you dont care about the healyh threat on other people  and children  and there parents ? How it feels if we say this , if you dont care about it , how about sending you to jail for assault and slandering us and other people and children around here or near by the area like a 2nd hand smoke in public  places .. dont care if you are on break or not . Marijuana  and cannabis is a real health threat conserding a real threat to a public place . Worse then smomeing a cigarette..and how about allergies and allergic..? Your still doing the health threat , assault, and giveing us a threat of endangerment.

  2. I just want to be able to not have extreme fatigue, nausea, migraines, anxiety, and be in severe chronic pain almost every day, but the federal job is a blockage to natural health relief. Watching videos to learn, and see others are freely able to get the care they need in the way they would prefer for religion, and spiritual purposes, etc., is amazing.

  3. I love both vaping and edibles. The thing with edibles is that you need to figure out the best schedule for your condition. If you do, it is the most efficient and consistent way to do it- if you use it for pain or other conditions that require maintenance you will probably want to take small doses regularly and let it build up in your system slowly- you can use a vaporizer to supplement and treat breakthroughs. For sleep disturbances, you will just build to the appropriate dose that gets you to sleep by a desirable time without a hangover.
    Oral will always be the most efficient way of administering cannabis due to the conversion of THC and it's analogues into more active hydroxide forms and near complete absorption when mixed with fats, oils and alcohol- if you wanted to maximize the time you were stoned, making up a batch of edibles and just topping up constantly would give you the most bang for your buck- smoking appears to be efficient- you can have many more short highs due to the lower threshold dose smoking or vaping, but maintaining an oral high over a long period if you are the wake 'n' bake time is cheaper, especially since you'll be snacking anyways.

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