Cannabis Growers Saturday Morning Show (5/13) – The Dude Grows 1,488

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  1. You can also watch original toonami shows including the opening batman that played all for free at (toonamiaftermath) playing just like it was on tv years ago like you literally went back in time. Even plays all the old commercials with it. Its truly a nice nostalgia trip. Also has free random movies and old nick at nite. Its a trip. I love watching 90s batman xmen and spiderman too and then adult swim airs at night 😊🤐

  2. $10,000 to hang with someone? Hmm…..
    Albert Einstein. I bet he would have done mind blowing techniques to grow the firest of fire!! Maybe something that you smoke, and after an exhale, or edible, you can briefly time travel 🤣

  3. Ohhhhh I have sooo many of those fun tinker toys is what I call them but figet toys adhd lady here loves the hell out of them can’t eve keep my hands still. And bday presents r never lame!!! Unless it’s a safety harness 😂😂 there is a fidget toy that is a bunch of balls that spin around each other that one Is the tops 😂😂 you just need to buy your wife the yoga buy chair just because not for a present

  4. Damn I’m a nurse I grow the zoomies can I sell sessions for that amount of $$$😂😂😂 wowza. I have to keep my weed away too my dog will seek it out he loves it. He will eat the stems and all. He doesn’t like the smoke but the bud he will tear up 😂 these damn dogs gotta love them

  5. I wish I could share this episode places I can’t get it on my YouTube or ig ugh but that story from Jesse Ventura was inspiring! Wow! I need everyone to hear this!

  6. I got total Spider-Man vibes from the intro these are so fun grambo! I want to go to a cartoon show with the orchestra omg how amazing going to the blitzed it would be

  7. Grambo I am proud of ya no matter what life style you wish to live but calling your room mate a pickle eater, dude lmfao😂😂😂
    Sorry bro, I could not help myself so feel free to let me have it. Lol ✌💚💨

  8. If I was to pay 10 grand to hang with someone. That person must be of true value to the world. They must have a heart and be a little on the humble side. One that is more then willing to lend a hand when needed. A person that has truly helped folks in ways they will never understand. A person that we can and are very proud of. So i would pick Scotty Real💯.

  9. Thanks for showing the Jessie Ventura video. I am a longtime rec user that now lives in a legal state as much as I love rec the real magic happens when used as medical. The fact you can get opiates discounted at Walmart and your insurance will pay for it. But will go to jail or hafa pay rec prices if you want a plant is ridiculous.

  10. The Boxer dog in my profile picture will beg every morning when we wake up for me to smoke him out. Fucker full on inhales smoke like a weird ass. I have never seen this in my life. Been going on consistent for 5 years now. He cries and sits like a good boy. If I do not share with him, he steals my shit. Usually likes to eat finger hash.

  11. Well, you guys have encouraged me to get my dogs High more often. It was just by accident in the past. But if it’s safe, then there’s a couple applications, it could be very useful for.

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