Cannabis for Pets with Dr. Robert Silver

Dr. Becker sits down with Dr. Robert Silver to discuss his use of cannabis, hemp, and CBD in the treatment of pets. For more …


  1. Tenho um cão de grande porte, que já sofre com 3 anos de idade, as consequências da displasia. Mês de agosto ele rompeu os ligamentos do joelho, e foi submetido a procedimento cirúrgico, operação no joelho esquerdo. E desde então, o meu amigão sofre com dores no joelho, não consegue colocar os pés no chão de forma correta. Além disso, sente dores em outras articulações. O tratamento com CBD, consegue amenizar essas dores? A fisioterapeuta que cuida dele, me sugeriu. Mas, eu não conheço. Estou em busca de informações para poder dar mais qualidade de vida ao meu amigão, Tayson.

  2. My dog have malignant stomach tumor . What helps? Chirurg and chemo not work for this tumor please help sombody. Thanks

  3. Why shoot down? Those same 26 olds are the ones who did the research and guerrilla pharmaceutical sciences prior to THC/CBD becoming as welcomed as it is now. Take your own advice, don’t speak on what you don’t know.

  4. Curious if you could administer the CBD through a syringe during Subcutaneous fluids in the IV in the back of my cat. That way it's in the body and not the digestive tract.

  5. Is it safe for dogs to eat cannabis leaves and does it benefit them health wise my dog loves eating grass but we have no grass at our new home I'm thinking of giving him cannabis leaves instead for a more healthy option I heard cannabis and hemp leaves were healthy for dogs and could be eaten like you would spinach or kale or is it all just hype and would it be better to just go with either spinach or kale
    Would be so thankful if you could reply to this cause my dog is old and I want to take better care asap cheers

  6. I have a 14 year old cat with renal failure I had been giving her topical Earth Animal cbd oil in flap of her ear for calming. is this safe. for a cat that has been having seizures? she in in god spirits playful and drink lots of water to compensate for renal failure. her fir is healthy. she weighs 10 pounds. not losing weight, eats both wet and dry perscription diet. likes to eat grass. shes strictly indoors, I had been giving her cod liver oil. but seemed to trigger a seizure. so I withhold it now. can i still give her the cbd?

  7. Note on extraction using alcohol; Most alcohols and ethanols are GMO-corn based and the GMO's will permanently alter the medicinal compounds rendering them useless and toxic.

  8. My APBT Service Animal was diagnosed with advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (tumor was under tongue) . It wasn't caught until the tip of her tongue split during a 5 hour flight due to the tumor and ulceration of the tongue .

    The Vet College gave her 3-5 weeks without treatment and 3-8 months with. After having experience with dosing for my uncles Stage 3 prostate cancer (remission in 3 months) I chose to go the same route with 'Stella'. I began with full spectrum CBD and then gradually added full spectrum THC at a rate of 3 to 1 CBD/THC. 75 days and 6,000 mcg later the tumor was gone and she was in complete remission! I unfortunately lost her later on due to complications with ulcerations of the tongue that we could not get under control. Feeding tubes would be no life for her.

    It will be nice when someone steps up and funds the Cancer research needed on this now that it is legal in Canada. Big Pharma sure won't so its going to have to be Government or Private with enough clout to fight off the big guys when they try to shut it down. Thank you Spain and Israel for all the effort and publishing that you supplied that helped me with both my uncle and my Stella. 🙂

  9. Full Spectrum Hemp extract means it has .3% THC which is what is being used in the Clinical Research and working on Osteoarthritis, Cancer, Seizure and calming. That little bit of THC is very important, and is needed to get the Entourage Effect. We do not need to fear THC, it has never killed any mammal ever. It is NOT an URBAN MYTH. Broad Spectrum is not Full Spectrum, they are very different.

  10. I was on my third bottle of a CBD product I had been using on my dog and questioned if it was effective. (I also tried two other brands.). My vet suggested that I ask for a “Letter of authenticity/analysis. I requested it from the company I bought the three bottles of CBD oil from but never received a response. I found another company and they PROMPTLY provided me with a letter. I noticed the new product has been effective on my dog. I will no longer be buying from the previous vendor which came recommended.

  11. is this using an oral dosage or rubbing the oil on the dog's ears? aha, question answered about 3/4 way through. Thank you. Topical Benedryl on the ears for snake bite too.

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